Politics Is More Difficult Than Physics.

[When asked “Dr. Einstein, why is it that when the mind of man has stretched so far as to discover the structure of the……
[When asked “Dr. Einstein, why is it that when the mind of man has stretched so far as to discover the structure of the……
Albert Einstein A theory can be proved by experiment; but no path leads from experiment to the birth of a theory. A theory……
Most people think it was Einstein who, in the first decade of the twentieth century, came up with the theory of relativity –……
The study of physics is the study of the universe and more specifically, just how the universe works. It is without a doubt the……
Theory of Relativity is one of the most famous scientific theories of the last century, but how well can it explain phenomena related……
My daughter asked me a similar question her history teacher had posed to her class the other day and got me thinking. ……
“Trials are a veritable curse”, said Jesus Christ, and so they have proved to majority of scholars who are afraid of sitting……
Science is one of the slaves of ‘Man’. But now-a-days it has gathered more vigour and strength than man himself, and has,……
In many fictional stories, Black Holes have been interpreted as doorways or wormholes to cross to a distant part of the universe,……