Women's Premier League competitions begin in Kabul

The second round of women Premier League today begins in Kabul. There are eight teams in the tournament and will meet as a group. The……
The second round of women Premier League today begins in Kabul. There are eight teams in the tournament and will meet as a group. The……
Twenty-ninth week of Iran premier league started with eight games and in the most important matches Esteqlal 1-0 won Folad, Prespolis……
On 19th March, I had an interview with Reinhard Keck, the news correspondent at "Bild am Sonntag". They are making a report about……
Twenty-eighth week of Iran football Premier League resumed on Thursday after twenty days off. Break in league competitions of……
Based on the new decision of Asia confederation, three teams from Iran will join the Champions League next season directly……
After falling Taliban Regime, Afghanistan change day by day in different cases and issues. One of the important issues is the future……
Since two month matches have been started for Kabul premier league in ghazi stadium Kabul among 14 teams and final of these games……
In Kabul capital of our country games among 16 teams have been started since last month in ghazi stadium and this is the fourth……
Asia football federation Enterprises continent nominations 2013 announced the six best team, the best team, the best club,……
Being a woman in male dominated societies is difficult but it is even more difficult and challenging to be a female athlete,……
Being an Educated is a kind of proud for those who are trying to learn and trying to teach. This aspect came from many years back……
Afghan Women try to change their life. One of the interesting changes which I know is Afghan women are interested in sports. Esteqlal……
لیونل مسی فٹبال کےدیوتا گردانے جاتےہےـ کئی ریکاڈر ٹوٹتے جاتے ہیں جب……
There's a first time for everything in life, and that first time will be remembered forever. Every pioneer exploring a terra incognita……
بین الاقوامی خواتین کے دن کے شروعات سے آج تک میں نے افغانستان میں خواتین……
آج انڑنیشنل آف فٹ بال ایسوسی ایشن FIFA نے افغانستان میں فٹ بال پراپنی امد نی……
I am Asma Ebrahimi, first position goalkeeper of Esteqlal team. I am 16 year’s old. Originally, I am from Mazar e Sharif……
Footballers from Afghanistan beat a team from Pakistan 3 - 0 in the country’s first international game in a decade. Afghanistan……
Today was a great day for Afghanistan. You feel wonderful when you see people so much united, contributing and supporting with each……
В детстве я была крайне одержимой, занимаясь практически всеми видами спорта.……
I remember when I was a kid, I was so obsessed by doing many sports as much as I can. While I was in my primary and secondary school,……
After the breakdown of the Taliban regime sports in Afghanistan has upgraded a lot and in different……
کل مجھے اپنے دوستوں کی جانب سے فادر ڈے پر ایک شاندار تحفہ موصول ہواـ ہرات……
Yesterday I received a fantastic Father's Day present from my colleagues and friends in Afghanistan. I received an update on the Herat……
Hello! This week passed with lots of our competitions with different teams which are in our group. On Saturday we had an exercise……
اختيار البرمجيات التعليمية هي فكرة عظيمة و صممت من قبل الانسات فرشته فروغ……
الرياضة هي القوة الدافعة للحياة. و دائما امزح مع زوجتي و اقول انها تزوجت……
تمكين النساء مع احداث الرياضية للرجال يبدو أن هو شيء غيرعادي و خصوصا بان……
Лионель Месси является Богом футбола. Давние записи посыпались как домино,……
Сегодня Международная федерация футбольных ассоциаций (ФИФА) опубликовала……
Sports is not only the physical movement. It is a an inspirational and motivational source for people to compete, move on, respect……
"God brought me to the bottom literally and figuratively. And picked me back up and said, 'You're gonna do it different.'" Robert……
Lionel Messi is the God of soccer. Long-standing records have been falling like domino pieces since he started his professional career.……
Last week, one of Film Annex's editors, Semyon Maltsev, blogged about online film production and how it will shape the future of the……
Today, the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) published an article about its investment on Afghanistan's football.……
This week our all exercise sessions (Saturday, Monday, Thursday) compass in another gymnasium which was new to us and it’s……
Starting from International Women's Day since today, I have read many good news about women in Afghanistan and their great achievements.……
Creating, developing and managing businesses give birth to the global economy. It's because of those three essential bricks - repeating……
Last Sunday, Film Annex joined forces with the prestigious New York Athletic Club in the sponsorship of the New York Open Judo Cup,……
Спорт это топливо жизни. Я всегда шучу о том, как моя жена вышла за меня замуж……
Oбразовательные программы Examer – это фантастическая идея принесенна……
Вчера мы запустили новый проект Women's Annex, интернет-платформа, которая способствует……
Esteqlal Vs Setara-e-Azadi Events before the game with Setara-e-Azadi The players after passing much against Big……
Esteqlal-Big bear match result Events Before the game against Big Bear The players before the game with (Big bear)……
Today is Friday, November 16, 2012, and here's my week recap. Monday We were shooting interviews with olympic athletes at NYAC. The……
People work all over the world to facilitate peace in many ways. Some try to implement it quietly, others use tanks. Some meet with……
From where I come from (France), soccer (called "football" if you are outside the US) is the most popular sports. International competitions……
Sports is the fuel of life. I always joke about how my wife married me for my body and not my brain. It's a joke, but in essence,……
The Olympics passed. I have always believed that sports could contribute to a cultural revolution in Central and South Asia,……
New York, NY, October 18, 2012 – Film Annex announced that its portfolio company, Citadel of New York, has acquired a ten percent……
New York, NY, October 18, 2012 – Film Annex announced that its portfolio company, Citadel of New York, has acquired a ten percent……
Film Annex and the Afghan Citadel Software Company are currently building Internet classrooms in 40 schools in Herat – the third……