Oil Tanker Explosion In Pakistan

The recent oil tanker explosion yesterday in Bahawalpur, Pakistan involving the death of 140 people and t injuring 100……
The recent oil tanker explosion yesterday in Bahawalpur, Pakistan involving the death of 140 people and t injuring 100……
The reason for the ban on carrying more electronics during flights are tests that terrorists would carry with hiding explosives in……
Stockimage from Merio at Pixabay used under the CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication license. ……
Are you worried from household problems? I am not understanding that how to deal with the boss in office or in charge in the factory?……
This is always so sad when I hear this news. As I got up this morning and checked my Twitter feed. The very first thing I saw was……
Introduction to project construction site, checkup of machinery and equipment, hazard identification, reporting and mitigation……
The eroded fiber of my life is strengthened.My bisected organs,in the storm of bombs sing.Each part of my feet,that was cruelly butchered.In……
In this blog i want to explain about one of my recent 3d compositing in adobe after effects. most of the compositing artist and motion……
Kabul (Afghanistan) – Three suicide bombers attacked a Lebanese restaurant in heart of Kabul on late Friday, killing over 14,……
Today, I am missing someone or something. When I woke up this morning, I was thankful because I didn’t start my day with terrible……