About massmedia and feelings.

Hello guys! This is my first blog, and I would like to explain how I think massmedia can be dangerous to society. In past times, massmedia……
Hello guys! This is my first blog, and I would like to explain how I think massmedia can be dangerous to society. In past times, massmedia……
Hello everyone! I have written blogs about many various things. Books, movies, TV series... This one is going to be a bit different……
An ambivalent feeling I felt,And it's hard to get through about it.Is this really a part? of the stupidity in Love.That my only desire……
Hello dear friends, how are you doing? This blog is dedicated to the sensation of fear we all have and how paralyzing it can be in……
Hello dear friends, how are you doing? As I promised you, here is “How to Improve Your Self-Esteem?” (Part II). Here you……
Hello dear friends, how are you doing? I hope all is fine with you guys! I decided to write another blog and talk about self-esteem……
Hello bitLanders, how are you all doing? I am doing good, thank you and I hope you all are! I was thinking about creating a blog about……
Do you feel the love on bitLanders? You might have noticed that we have just released the Valentine theme for February - the……
Photo Source: mentalfloss.com First of all, I really don't know what to write about. I don't know where to start and I feel so empty……
Since the day we first chatted, I sensed something unique from you. And yes, I was broken that time and you came to my rescue. I was……
It is no secret that negative thinking is part of almost everyone’s life. It is easier to think negative……
Once Upon A Time : In the land of Ingary where such things as seven-league boots and cloaks of invisibility really exist, it……
All In Your Name [Barry]Now I got a missionThe story unfoldsWhat the wise men have told you, is already knownThat a……
CRY [Verse 1]Somebody shakes when the wind blowsSomebody's missing a friend, hold onSomebody's lacking a heroAnd they have……
Stay With Me I remember the prison of all memoriesAnd I'm drowning in tearsCome and help me pleaseStay with me,……
I Just Can't Stop Loving You I Just Want To Lay Next To YouFor AwhileYou Look So Beautiful TonightYour Eyes Are So LovelyYour……
Stranger In Moscow I was wandering in the rainMask of life, feelin' insaneSwift and sudden fall from graceSunny days……
Who Is It I Gave Her MoneyI Gave Her TimeI Gave Her EverythingInside One Heart Could FindI Gave Her PassionMy Very SoulI Gave……
Crush ( Firs Love) I hung up the phone tonightSomething happened for the first timeDeep inside it was a rushWhat a rush……
Breakup I love you but I don't thinkI can love you anymore... When I kiss you so good,Why would you wanna break up?When……
It's Not Goodbye And what if I never kiss your lips againOr feel the touch of your sweet embraceHow would I ever……
Man in the Mirror I'm Gonna Make A Change,For Once In My LifeIt's Gonna Feel Real Good,Gonna Make A DifferenceGonna Make It……
Earth Song What about sunriseWhat about rainWhat about all the thingsThat you said we were to gain...What about killing……
WHY Why does monday, come before tuesdayWhy do summers start in juneWhy do winters come too soonWhy do people fall in loveWhen……
Human Nature [1st Verse]Looking OutAcross The Night-TimeThe City Winks A Sleepless EyeHear Her VoiceShake My WindowSweet Seducing……
The Lady In My Life There'll be no darkness tonightLady our love will shine (Lighting the night)Just put your trust in my heart and……
I'M A LOSER :'( You laughed at me, you made me cryYou made a joke, then wonder why(I am a loser)(I am a loser)I say "Hello", you say……
A Rainy Day Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces.……
Today, we will again say good bye to another 365-day cycle of our life. 2015. It started magical. Yet its latter parts strum one of……
Friends are the siblings GOD never gave us Friends can……
When you smile genuinely, it not only sparks feelings of happiness and well being in you, it also implies to the people around you……
Image courtesy of www.google.com.ph Image courtesy of www.123rf.com As an online writer that embraces the reason for it, it……
Listed are some quotes about true love, do spread the magic of love. Read on to know more. “I love being married. It’s……
I dont know what to write but i am writing <3 I dont know what is loneliness but i feel lonely... misd you <3
"During 1990s, the situation in Jammu Kashmir went from bad to worse and took the form of a war. We were forced to leave the area……
1) Love has no limits.2) I think love is fearless.3) I can’t stop missing you.4) All I need is your love.5) Pyar or war……
Love............. We love other people, or we say we love other people, when we are attracted to them and when they make us feel good.……
i loved a girl since my school days but never had the courage to talk to her. She is so beautiful i could see her for hours. When……
- Allah (GOD) has placed babies in the womb of women in a very salty juice, deliberately to lighten the weight and at the same……
Oh my, that feeling. I know it so well. It is rather uncomfortable to bear, isn't it? But as with everything in life, you have to……
To start with, i'll jump to the conclusions first. Suicide is Cowardice, it's hopelessness, selfishness and a proof of self-centered……
Winter. Summer. Spring. Fall. Cold. Warm. Fresh. Changes. In this four season we feel different emotions uniquely one from another……
Shona would give her soul to people. She would care the whole world for others but only in a certain way. She was a great friend.……
A boy found a tear in his gf's eyes,..so he grabbed her in his armsand hugged her tightly....But the girl Still continued to cry.……
Feelings are so deceiving most of the times. Earlier you were so happy after awhile you are now angry then perhaps back to your normal……
I still remember your Last words-Dont call me...Dont text me...Dont irritate me...You know...My heart was taken byyou...broken by……
What A Girl Wants From A Boy :-Call her beautiful,not hot/sexy-Text her always, she loves it-Always keep your promises-Hug her in……
Reality in Same Sex Relationship I have read this post today and I feel that it is worth sharing to know the thoughts and comments……
PLANTS can SPEAK! WATER has memory. The universe is conscious!Scientific PROOF! Mythbusters - Plants have feelings (primary……
Take Control Disease are not only hereditary but also acquired. We got them from the food and beverages in take, from our environment……
Humankind has spent much of its history trying to define what makes us different (and, by implication, soooo much better than) other……
Relationships are one of the most complicated parts of life, especially long-lasting relationships like marriage. However, sometimes……
Hi good morning I want to share with all of you about love, Love is a variety of different feelings and attraction. Abstractly discussed……
''Expectation Ever Hurt' Sometime people are not the reason of our grief,but we are ourselves,beacuse we expect from those people.And……
Life is too short and Birthdays was happen once a year only. Today is the date of my birthday and I was so blessed today because I……
Anger is just a cowardly extension of sadness. You know its like a lot more easier to be angry at someone than it is to tell them……
I have been thinking about how to break the chains of love addiction all way long. Breaking the chains of this addiction might be……
Hey friends how are you all. Today I am writing this blog on my shona. My shona is my life. I am nothing without him. He is too naughty……
When I'm not there.. do you think of me? When you're sad and something's bothering you.. do you wish I was there to help comfort you?……
Being in a relationship is a great chance to learn about our self, as well as the person we love. The challenges and conflicts between……
This topic I'm writing deals with picking the right partner for marriage. I believe the decision you make as to who you will marry……
Yes, It’s your choice to give your power away. I never understand that when did I became a Door Mat. You always expect……
The relation of husband and wife is the perfect relation of the world. Both have to develop mutual understanding. Both have duties……
The question is what love is and what is meant by love. The love is a special feeling in heart for someone. These feelings are not……
I fall in love with words In this modern time that severely questions the idea of fads and whatever new thing it is on……
time flies by the two of us even it will never be last i won't ask for another chance it's better for the both of us to be friends.……
So, You started abusing her? did you accomplish some sort of gratification? I mean really? Did you accomplish something after molesting……
Relationships aren't what they use to be, now a days people give up too easily, they allow their relationship to fall apart due to……
The anomalous events of life finally seem to make sense, unaware of how the dots would be connected; my benign but firm manner was……
If someone comes to you and saysThere is someone who really loves youWho always pray for youAll the tender feelings,expresses for……
Today i want to write about love, that what is true love and how can we prove that we love someone. Love is an eternal feeling which……
Happiness is an internal feeling of a person that he can`t express , it can be seen by his expressions and body movements and specially……
About five or so years ago I went through this anger management class. I did the class because inside I was feeling……
A VIRTUOUS WIFE A good wife is the greatest and the most useful guide to man. She often succeeds in dragging out her husband……
In English language there are some conventions that should be used when you are writing. there are several kinds of letter like :……
. Not to think negative and always think right for others and having sublime thoughts for others is called positive thinking.As our……
Colors are having direct relation and also close ties in all factors of live and its details, it must be said that there are colors……
This potentially the most rewarding, or most hazardous, of all personal correspondence and one in which it is crucial to remember……
Letters to children should also be clear as possible. They should not patronize but neither should they use over complicated……
*Are you and your guy constantly arguing and fighting ? *Does it make you feel like can’t stand and want to move on ? *Are you……
Today my blog is about love. In my whole life I did not fall in love with any one. But I consider those people very lucky who fall……
In World of Technology where the Wide World has been changed to a small Room and merely by a Single Click can share their Emotions,……
When you hear a bad News from Magazines, TV Channel, Newspapers or Radio you can see the reaction of that News in the face of people……
When I was a kid I was unaware of the world feelings I went through a lot of experiences and know about the word feelings. As human……
Manners can make a man perfect. Man is nothing without good manners. They make a man gentle, noble, well behaved and civilized. If……
"HE was her heroo and SHE was his princess" WHEN you fall in love with someone and live with him/her the best love story ever,,, THEN……
While living in a society, we should live in harmony and peace. We should love each other and not promote hatred and ill feelings.……
Today I want to touch a very sensitive and holy topic. I want to discourse about love. L.O.V.E. - how amazing those feelings. You……