2017 Philippine romantic comedy drama movie: My Ex and Whys

Image Source: My Ex and Whys via Starmometer Cali: Pangit ba ko? (Am I Ugly?) Cali: Kapalit palit ba ko?? (Am I replaceable?)……
Image Source: My Ex and Whys via Starmometer Cali: Pangit ba ko? (Am I Ugly?) Cali: Kapalit palit ba ko?? (Am I replaceable?)……
She puts a hand to his mouth. She has not touched him in three years. It probably would be too much to say that he feels the darkness……
THE INTRODUCTION 1. What is LIFE? Life is the existence of mankind in this world of living. When you breath, laugh, cry,……
The Kinds of Sins and Its Result SIN AS DEFINED IS AN IMMORAL BEHAVIOR TOWARDS A DIVINE LAW. Source: YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8CJqY0tzcQ……
People were busy in their lives,just a little shake and people started to remember God.
And we send not the signs except as a Warning [Quran 17:59]
So you met in a party at a common friend's place, took an instant liking towards each other and decided to take things to the next……
Choose to be happy for its own sake. you don't need any other reason to do so. follow your passion, act on your excitement.……
Happiness is something that everyone loves to achieve, to reach and when they had already the happiness they wanted - that……
Mother shocked everyone after hugging her daughter's killer A lot of people believes in the saying "forgive and forget"……
“The Paradoxical Commandments People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered. Love them anyway. If you do good, people……
Readers offered nearly 150 ideas to help forgive someone when it’s hard. The ones that resonated with my most strongly were:……
Do you easily forgive? Me? I am not!!! I don’t easily forgive people who done something wrong to me. I just don’t know……
Silly mistake i fell in love it’s time truth comes outhidden in your heartas form of lovea true love or not sympathy me for……
Life is not permanent and we should not waste our time in ego clash and enmity among each other as what seems a smooth life……
SECOND CHANCE is the best gift anyone can give you. But do you really thing that anyone deserves a second chance? For me, its……
Two days ago when I was checking my Facebook account, I checked my notification and friend request. I saw familiar name and……
Forgiveness is giving up your rights to get even & choosing to stop feeding the anger and resentment toward the person who hurt……
The Mosque was full of Muslims at Maghrib Prayer. There were 10 to 12 rows of people who came to offer the last prayer of holy month……
معاف کرنا دراصل یہ ہے کہ اگر کوئی آپ کے احساسات کو مجروح کرے یا آپ کو……
THE HOLY PROPHET’S (PBUH) JOURNEY TO TAIF After the death of Hazrat Abu Talib, the Quresh were creating serious difficulties……
Tito Villanova former coach of Barcelona who had suffered head cancer since a year has died at the age of 45. Tito Villanova……
Patience (Sabr): There are many definitions done from different perspectives for it. But sabr we can say simply is a situation of……
What is repentance? Repentance is to review one's actions and feel remorseful or to regret for past wrong deeds/or wrong……
One of the issue which play very important role in married is matching and co ordination age of the groom and bride,deferent in age……
Do you know what happens when the little pleasures of life are denied? They should get chocked and the heart sinks down. All are pleasures……
In order to open our heart way to each other, and enjoy from social live we have to use from some rules and careful skills. And that……
Ramadan is the Muslim month of facing and the month of worship and forgiveness. Ramadan is the month in which……
1- Meet everyone with a smile on your face because they deserve it. 2- Be always nice to……
Ramadan is the Muslim month of fasting and the month of worship and forgiveness .Ramadan is the month in which the holy Quran has……
This observe that different people have their different customs for celebration and happiness according to their believes. Eid _ ul……