Israel-Palestinian violence flares in West Bank and Gaza

Fresh violence has erupted between Israel and Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, with three Palestinians killed in clashes, Palestinians……
Fresh violence has erupted between Israel and Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, with three Palestinians killed in clashes, Palestinians……
Between Hamas and Israel for three days after the ceasefire agreement are ongoing relief operations in Gaza, the Turkish……
Tens of thousands of Palestinians in the occupied West Bank have marched against Israeli aggression in Gaza, and the loss of hundreds……
Being a Mussulman if we talk of protecting our Mussulman brothers and sisters then we should be ready all the time to push back the……
The question of life, the question of society, the question of taking care of the children to give them the lesson of peace, everything……
In just 7 months Israel strike Gaza second time and launched his operation Operation Protective Edge, its is the third major……
With so many conflicts going on in the world no one has any time to see towards miserable lives of the people living at the Gaza strip……
Anything that happens at the Gaza strip is always under scrutiny for various reasons. So when the renowned Jewish……
I briefly met US Diplomat Jeffery Feltman when he was Lawrence Eagleburger’s Special Assistant on Eastern and Central……
It is more than a rhetorical welcome as the UN’s Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Robert Serry, also has……