FREE bitLanders TIPS to get high rating in Blog Reviews

Hello wonderful people of bitLanders. Once again, I am here to offer some FREE bitLander TIPS – but this time, the free advises……
Hello wonderful people of bitLanders. Once again, I am here to offer some FREE bitLander TIPS – but this time, the free advises……
Photo Credit: INTRODUCTION: This blog will tackles issues and important information regarding bitLanders……
Intro GMRF logo. Image Credit: The GMRF@GMRFChildren Via Twitter When I saw that Bitlanders offered additional bonuses for making……
Global Medical Relief Fund's Evening of Hope will commence on the 5th of April with Francesco Rulli receiving a prestigious award……
World population has significantly increased in the past years and is still doing the same. It is currently more than 7 billion and……
Photo Credit: GMRF profile page via bitLanders Global Medical Relief Fund (GMRF) and "Evening of Hope" Awards Dinner, Let's Show……
Photo Credit: Global Medical Relief Fund Logo via GMRF "We help hopeless, resourceless children who are victims of war,……
The Global Medical Relief Fund Image courtesy of One of the reasons why I cannot stop on using……
'Dare to Dream' House on Staten Island New York, is welcoming 5 kids from Tanzania who will go under treatment at Shriners Hospital……
As I was posting some microblogs earlier today, I noticed an ad of bitlanders about shirts with buzz. I checked out the shop……
The Global Medical Relief Fund's mission is to help children who have lost limbs and suffered other injuries from war or natural disasters.……
Today, in the world, there are an estimated 7.3 billion people and growing. More than a third of the world's population lives with……
I was browsing pictures that I have screen captured from bitlanders when I come across the one above. It was dated March 11,……
The name of the charity says it all. Two words that really means a lot. We are all created by God and in His eyes we are……
The Global Medical Relief Foundation (GMRF) has recently provided medical care for a 5-month-old baby from Swaziland. GMRF is a non-profit……
In light of what happened to Vanuatu on March 13, I looked for charities here in bitlanders I could donate to that……
I visited the Charity section of the shop here in bitlanders and saw this new charity that we can donate. Maybe it's only now……
Well, it's always nice to give back and donate a part of our earnings to the community. It's not a usual thing as this is just the……
Action Against Hunger Foundation Let us help in eliminating or at least lessening the problems of hunger. It is important that……
Elissa Montanti, "Saint of Staten Island," onun girişimi, genel tıbbi yardım fonu günümüze NY1 ortaya çıktı.……
Elissa Montanti, “The Saint of Staten Island,” appeared on NY1 to present her initiative, the Global Medical Relief Fund.……
Lifevest Inside I really the mission of this organization. Remember that no kindness is ever wasted. We should be kind……
Someone said that the youth is the hope of the nation. They are the ones who will continue on. They are our future. How……
It's now the time of giving back. However, it's now lesser than what I have given on my last cash out. A dollar is a dollar,……
What is that for you may ask. What did I purchase? I have purchased some donations to charity. Before you raise……
We want to help support your organization! Here is how: By offering our users the possibility to use their earnings to donate……
It's that time of year. As we are entering the holiday season, we get to remember what we are thankful for. Feeling thankful is also……
Meet our precious Sarki! Sarki is from the Himalaya region, approximately 8,000 feet above sea level. Sarki and her parents,……
昨晚我出席了一个鼓舞人心的活动,它感动了在场所有的参与者。全球医疗救济基金(The Global Medical……
Cari amici e lettori, Le festività si avvicinano e alcuni di voi staranno pensando a cosa regalarmi. Se è così,……
Dear friends and readers, The holidays are coming and some might be thinking of sending me a present! If you do, please donate to……
昨晚我出席了一個鼓舞人心的活動,它感動了在場所有的參與者。全球醫療救濟基金(The Global Medical……
La scorsa notte ho preso parte ad un evento emozionante e stimolante, non solo per me, ma per tutti i suoi partecipanti: The Global……
Last night I attended an emotional and inspirational event, not only for me, but for all its participants. The Global Medical Relief……
昨晚,全球醫療救濟基金(Global Medical Relief Fund)的創始人兼首席執行官 Elissa Montanti 邀請了 Roya……
سات مئی کوپانچویں سالانہ WIRED بزنس کانفرنس منعقد کی گئی ، ہمیشہ کی طرح……
Вчера вечером, Элисса Монтанти, основатель и главный исполнительный директор……
昨晚,全球医疗救济基金(Global Medical Relief Fund)的创始人兼首席执行官 Elissa Montanti 邀请了 Roya……
7 мая прошла пятая ежегодная WIRED Бизнес конференция. Как всегда, конференция……
On May 7th, the fifth annual WIRED Business Conference was held. As always, the conference was jam packed with top notch speakers……
Yesterday I watched Les Miserables. Its motion-picture adaptation of the beloved musical seen by more than 60 million people in 42……
War has been always the saddest tragedy that can be happened in any country which brings physical destruction and civilian injuries……
Happy Friday to everyone! At the beginning of this week, I was working on GMRF's(Global Medical Relief Fund) videos: "I'll stand……
Last week, Fereshteh Forough, Film Annex's liaison to Central and South Asia, the Film Annex film crew and I visited the Global Medical……
January 18, 2013. Here is my week recap. Shooting jobs: 1. New episode of "An Afghan Perspective on CBS' 60 minutes", where Fereshteh……
The GMRF is committed to bring hope and help to children who are missing or have lost use of their limbs, have been severely burned,……