Does God Speak to People?

Does God Speak to People? Now, does God speak to people? Does He relate with natural man, does He speak with mere mortal man? Let……
Does God Speak to People? Now, does God speak to people? Does He relate with natural man, does He speak with mere mortal man? Let……
Giving Tuesday Introduction A global day with a priority of one word GIVING BACK.Every year that day is celeberated around the……
Buzz We are living in the world where everyone connected to social media in any matter.These are number of social media sites are……
Each one of us pray for a lot of things. We pray to thank God, we pray to ask for help, and sometimes we simply pray just to talk……
The seven keys to life are just simple yet oftentimes they're forgotten.
Anu ano ang mga tungkulin ng magulang at ng anak:
When the circumstances of your life are not the way you like them, how do you feel about it? How do you deal with those things? Do……
Leaderboard is a source of inspiration for me.Simple way to success is just follow the winners.Yeah read their blogs and galleryies……
We follow the leader because we have the confidence and trust in him. We follow people who can lead us and guide us for the betterment……
Different people,different choices and different role models. When we speak about role model, different personalities come in mind……
6.4 million of the people in Pakistan are addicted to drugs.The most worst thing about that is most……
God sent many prophets for the guidance of mankind. Of them Hazrat Muhammad(P.B.U.H)……
If any country wants to improve its economy and build a great effect on its development it is very necessary that its section of women……
The actions, the speech, the ways and manners of the holy prophets peace be upon him are called Hadis. In addition to the prophet’s……
The message of Islam is universal and eternal. It does not confine itself Only to the private life of a man it……
Friday is the most distinguishing day among the days of the week in the sight of Allah; somuch so that it excels both the day of “Eid……
No doubt that Christianity has been consisted among the revealed religions of the world and it is a fact that it was consisted……