Give a hand to 4 Wildlife animals

If I ever see this insect, please don't try to kill him with his own hands or touch it, this insect is spreading the virus to the……
“Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.” ― Mark Twain source: Google images If you……
What's up my beauties and their beasts! Today i'm here to share my remedy for how to make a secret MAGIC MOISTURIZER for softer smoother……
Henna (lawsonia inermis, also known as hina, Henna tree, mignonette tree, egyptian privet) is a flowering plant that grows 12-15 feet……
Lovely Ways to Use Your Hands When Kissing Kissing is a sweet workout that can spin your head around and make you happy in……
Holding hands may seem like an innocent gesture, but they show more than a simple interlocking of fingers. Your hands are one of the……
Farkhunda, what shall I sayHow to tell this endless story From her eyes of tearsTo the boldness in her face Her injured bodyI cry……
Now when I walk in the streetMy feet have no energyI can’t raise my head as an Afghan womanI am afraid Like a weak personA toy……
First, the good news. This year's flu season may be on the decline. According to the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, an average……
This was taken in Shwedagon Pagoda in Burma (Myanmar). As you know, Burma has been under the rule of junta for a long time.……
Meet our precious Sarki! Sarki is from the Himalaya region, approximately 8,000 feet above sea level. Sarki and her parents,……
When i was admitted to this school in 8th class i was such a brave lady that i did not have any fear in my heart for Mrs……
The best things that we all have to habituate in this world is too small but there are still hopes we can come up with.When we stop……
Pakistan cricket is in the Marcy of najam sethi. No doubt he is a good journalist; very good narrator, a good historian, and a man……
Personality of child Early the child assumed as an inconsiderable thing which was relevant to others that has no……
"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" Upon reading the "sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" I felt unhappy and sad, that is why,……
Kindly guided in Islam that parents, teachers and elders are respected. With friends and love to be treated with courtesy. Be kind……
Mobile phone is the modern technology to today time.The student of this generation want every gadget in their hands.They want to use……
There are lots of roads twisting towards the ancient and old city of the Lahore. Wondering in its street you will come face to face……
The skin of your hand is not like the skin on any other part of your body. It is specially tough and elastic. When you squeeze something,……
You owe your good life to your hands! They make it easier and better than the lives of all other it easier and better than the lives……
Those women who do make up to show other men and tempt them, they are going to be punished very severly in the hereafter. Men……
You know him well, and he knows you better than anyone else. Today we are going to interview the one and only THE MR. DIVIL. Interviewer:……
Death in the Seppuku form for the Samurai is very intriguing. As we may all know, the samurai is expected to live as if he were……
I love reading about the latest news in the world of robotics especially when it comes to the high stakes competitions and challenges……
Those of you who know my work know that I recently made an animated film using marker on glass. This is a nine minute film called……
I finished animating the first stanza of the song earlier this week. The lyrics of this part of the song translate as: "Everyone calls……