A birthday wish for my Mom!

Image edited by Docxdrl on Canva video credits:How to do Anything via Youtube May is a special month……
Image edited by Docxdrl on Canva video credits:How to do Anything via Youtube May is a special month……
Video Credits: Memorize Academy via YouTube Image Credits: Sharon Lopez via Bitlanders April is a special month for me. Not……
Ibu Anda adalah tauladan pertama Anda, sebelum Anda mulai mengagumi orang lain dalam hidup Anda. Ibu juga teman pertama Anda, mentor……
Meriah di hari yang indah bersama keluarga
Today(December 16,2014) is my fathers birthday, it is also the first night of Simbang Gabi (Filipino for "Night Mass")……
Today Michael Schumacher celebrates 45 years, and we hope that it helps to improve the condition of the Kaiser. Updates on his condition……