
Ab to mumkin he nahi un se mulaqat Wasi Ab to urooj pe pohunchi hai us ki zaat Wasi wohi waady hain aur rasmon ki zanjeerein……
We love seeing natural architecture here at Inhabitat, and the leafy green Kleven train tunnel is a beautiful example of what happens……
I don t know how it come over but in Mundial 2014 has left last 2 games ,game for 3 th place and final .So this year Mundial……
If you're a fan of noir and police procedurals, then you can't miss this almost forgotten gem. He Walked By Night (1948), directed……
AUTUMN is quite different from all other seasons. it is a very beautiful season but we see its beauty by feeling it keenly by our……
This is the third part of my blog . In my previous blog i have told the story of farmer which is deprived of wisdom and luck is with……
ALLAMAIQBALL was born in Sialkot on November 9 1877. His father belonged to Kashmir .His father sheikh NOOR MUHAMMAD was a religious……
People give gifts for weddings for different ways. Usually people wants to be help the bride and the groom. Many people in other country……
*Are you and your guy constantly arguing and fighting ? *Does it make you feel like can’t stand and want to move on ? *Are you……
In our complicated world everyone has their own problems and thought. One of us complain because of do not have son, some other complain……
Right now I sit and want to write on corruption but from last week my thoughts are so much tangled after meeting my lovely friend……
Days and months pass to begin a new year and involves another year with its memories (Painful and beautiful) Which have had a significant……
We (Pakistani) are the most intellectual and intelligent nation of the world when it comes to writing in the public toilets and walls.……
You know him well, and he knows you better than anyone else. Today we are going to interview the one and only THE MR. DIVIL. Interviewer:……
Role of a political leader is like a backbone in the life of nations. A great leader always sets aims and destination for its nation……
The Muslims always victimize sheep in second Eid which is called (Eid_al_adha).In this Eid all Muslims are meditate for Allah and……
Some of the craziest people to have ever lived on the planet we all share are serial killers. We fear their existence but there……
Election is a formal process where each step is predetermined, it is also for the decision of people or part of the public to choose……
The Indie-Rock American songwriter Neko Case, currently 42 years old,……
The man in the picture is Anoosh . Anoosh is from Afghanistan but he is living in the United States. During the year anoosh wants……
History of Ballet Ballet's earliest precursors in Renaissance Italy were lavish entertainments. Acts included not just dancing,……
The advertising world has drastically expanded over the last couple of years with platforms for media consistently expanding. But,……
In this article I am going to write about the keyword given by filmannex regarding Afghan Development Projects which have been already……
I can’t stop thinking about Asia and its measure. The biggest continent with so many different nationalities, religions, and……
Hi, dear reader, today I want to tell you about Russian twins in movies and showbiz. Vladimir Torsuev & Yury Torsuev (Electronics……
Message form H.E Minister Abdul Hadi Arghandiwal It's a pleasure to have the opportunity with this message to address the brave and……