Combat Conditioning

The three most effective body-weight exercise that is still used in the world of martial arts and that was used during the olden times……
The three most effective body-weight exercise that is still used in the world of martial arts and that was used during the olden times……
WHILE many politicians are quick to issue public statements about the rights of minorities in Pakistan, when it comes to taking practical……
Here are the 9 reasons that proves bodyweight exercise is a superior form of exercise. Source:……
Recap : In my previous blog FOUNDATION OF MUSLIM LEAGUE (part 1). I told U about the Subcontinent's Islamic Backgroung and Mughal……
Introduction The comprehensive documentation on the we All-India Muslim League collected in this book illuminates the Muslims' struggle……
My name is USAMA HASHMI... I am a #pakistani And i don't hate #indian but i have a huge problem of govt of india when, it labels #Pakistan……
A hindu priest, rabbi and a lawyer were driving down the road, when the car breaks down. Fortunately finding a farmhouse……
Joining Both Palms together to Greet In Hindu culture, people greet each other by joining their palms – termed as “Namaskar.”……
In Hindu mythology, Saraswati is the Goddess who stands for knowledge, learning, arts and culture. So every year Saraswati Puja……
¿A quien le gustaría ir? FESTIVAL DE COLORES El festival de primavera, también conocido como el de los……
Indian are programming their people that a major war with Pakistan is due and close. He is actually warning of a brief war in November……
what do you think about Borobudur Temple?
Iqbal made them realize that their salvation lay in a separate state in the north-west of India. In his famous session of Allahabad,……
Racism? telling somebody that you don't like them? Every body thinks that people in England are racist but that is totally wrong!……
Valentine's day is celebrate on 14 Feb . It is the festival of Christian religion. A history is hide behind this day. Now we……
As you now, before the creation of Pakistan the Muslim and Hindu were live together. There Muslims are not free. They're not free……
The modern Hindu community faces numerous challenges, some of which are rather exclusive to Hinduism in contrast to other religions.……
Living Interfaith Church of Lynnwood, Washington hopes to bring the “interfaith” experience to everyone, embracing……
Which belief system do you practice, if any? As we all know, there are many of us, united by human nature but we are different in……
South Asia is located in the southern part of the Asian continent and is bounded on the south by the Indian Ocean.……
I've always been fascinated by how different people around the world - and throughout history - take care of their loved ones when……
This photo is found on sites labeled as "patriotic," "Christian" or simply to "Save America." To most, the focus will be on the presentation……
Anders Behring Breivik (Above Photo-Self-Portrait) acted as religiously/ideologically motivated terrorist killing 77 fellow Norwegians.……
Was Rick Santorum signaling a new Spanish style Inquisition for America? Rick Santorum tried to define God (Supreme) as extending……