Empowering Africa with Technology and Free Education

Empowering Africa There are numerous pre-assumptions about the continent of Africa that are complete false, due to misunderstanding,……
Empowering Africa There are numerous pre-assumptions about the continent of Africa that are complete false, due to misunderstanding,……
Juggling the indecisiveness surrounding "career" and where I want to live, mixed with the inability to prioritise interests, personal……
What happens after 2015 when the 8 Millennium Development Goals are scheduled to mature? While most of the current concern……
The opportunity for even greater symbiotic relationship between the Olympic movement and the United Nations - As they came to conclusion,……
New independent global network of research centers, universities and technical institutions to help find solutions for some of the……
On verge of ending the AIDS epidemic is the vision and probability according to the World Bank President Dr. Jim Yong Kim on the eve……
What else to call it but "dickhead" policy! Human Rights Watch reports that NYC police are arresting women who have 3 or more condoms……
Cultural taboos, gender inequality, human rights abuses, and punitive laws are negatively impacting the way we see the human face……
World Tuberculosis Day, 24 March 2012, is making inroads with an awareness platform as the second top infectious adult killer after……
South Sudan military has high rates of AIDS/HIV and UN & NGO IntraHealth International are providing condoms in a bid to tackle the……
Ironic that on day that some Congressmen apparently seeking to curtail contraceptive access for American women, the UN Joint Program……