On 19th March, I had an interview with Reinhard Keck, the news correspondent at "Bild am Sonntag". They are making a report about……
On 19th March, I had an interview with Reinhard Keck, the news correspondent at "Bild am Sonntag". They are making a report about……
Più del 90% della produzione mondiale di oppio proviene dall'Afghanistan. Il prezzo dell'oppio, negli ultimi anni, è……
More than 90% or world's opium production comes from Afghanistan. Opium price has steadily increased during the……
Mi sento davvero fortunato ad insegnare in una scuola piena di diversità culturale ed aperta a diversi background socio-economici.……
I feel very fortunate I teach in a school that is culturally diverse, and open to different socio-economic backgrounds. My school's……
Dear Film Annex friends ! It has been a while since each of you have been involved on @FilmAnnex either by writing blogs, uploading……
Afghanistan is a Country which is Located in the Heart of Asia and has 30 Million Population, this Country has been witnessed……
It’s eleven years since international community have come to Afghanistan and we are the witness of development in different fields,……
At first I must tell that what is Women’s Annex and what is its role in our city and for what they are operating? As we all……
Is it really hard to answer who can build the peace? No, it is too easy. Peace isn't a dream, everybody can make it and catch it.……
Amo i racconti di persone che hanno avuto successo e li amo ancora di più quando la persona in questione ce l'ha fatta partendo……
Everybody I want to talk about financial education. Now I understand most people are adverse to discussing or even thinking about……
I love successful stories, and I love them even more when they come from an underdog. Women in Afghanistan are the underdog,……
I'm an educator, and as such I experience all types of attitude from my students on a daily basis. However, it's part of my job to……
When you hear a bad News from Magazines, TV Channel, Newspapers or Radio you can see the reaction of that News in the face of people……
Prima o poi, chiunque sia interessato alla cultura e alla storia dell'Asia Meridionale si imbatterà nella seguente domanda:……
Sooner or later, anybody interested in South-Asian culture and history will run across the following question: is it called Burma……
L'istruzione apre porte che prima avremmo pensato chiuse per sempre ed offre opportunità che credevamo impossibili. È……
Education opens doors we thought would remain forever closed, and offers opportunities we thought were impossible. It's the key to……
Education represents the base of the development of all individuals and the society they will contribute to build. Lack of education……
The monthly examination held from students and the students divided into groups and then their teacher got groups projects among classes……
If there is onething that I think is valuable and I’m enjoying to be part of, is absolutely my experience……
Through history many cultures have invented and implemented different methods to prevent women from having premarital intercourse……
Reading news about women and their activities give you a pleasant feeling and it makes you more hopeful when it is about women in……
Politics, it is one of the important issues which defines strategical point of views of each country and in the other hand it establishes……
Afghanistan in three decades of its internal war lost all of its long and short time development projects, they……
According to Wikipedia, Time Magazine's Person of the Year is an "annual issue of the United States newsmagazine Time that……
Film Annex forges ahead in its initiative of building internet classrooms in Afghanistan schools. Equipped with computers, internet……
Many kids living in "developed" countries keep education for granted these days. They consider it as something they have to do, and……
I was recently watching an episode of "60 Minutes" on CBS, when one of the pieces on the show caught my attention. Scott Pelley was……
Last night CNN broadcasted "2012 CNN Hero of the Year", a television event set to give awards and monetary rewards to 10 people from……
It's hard enough for young women around the world to escape the spiral of prostitution with their own forces, but it's even harder……
In 2011 I spent the month of July traveling through Rajasthan, an iconic region of central-north India filled with historic……
As someone who has been writing about Film Annex for a few months now, I completely love their multiple initiatives both on the ground……
Most coverage about Afghanistan in today’s media is about the endless violence and pointless deaths every day. What’s……
With the help of Citadel Software in Afghanistan along with USAID, Film Annex has been building internet classrooms all across Afghanistan.……
The subject of the struggles of receiving an education for the women and youth of Afghanistan has been a frequent topic in……