Bones - The Murder in the Middle East

Image Credit: Fox via Wikipedia "The Murder in the Middle East" is episode nineteen of season ten of Bones, the forensic drama television……
Image Credit: Fox via Wikipedia "The Murder in the Middle East" is episode nineteen of season ten of Bones, the forensic drama television……
November 4th 1979 saw the start of the Iran hostage crisis. On that day Iranian students took over the United States embassy in Tehran……
BEGINNING OF THIRD WORLD WAR? After weeks of clashes, war between the two nuclear powers seemed right around the corner. Americans……
The former Iraqi president and head of the Baath Party in the city of Tikrit, north of Baghdad, was born in a poor family. Soon after……
Has anyone ever imagine that people sometimes just break cndskynd directly covers Arafat hear the sermon, London, Sydney or Dubai……
Introduction The comprehensive documentation on the we All-India Muslim League collected in this book illuminates the Muslims' struggle……
A Timeline History of US Involvement in the Middle East The Mainstream (State-controlled) Media has been selling the idea that……
Tikrit: Smoke rises from central Tikrit as Iraqi security forces attack IS groups positions on Sunday.—AP BAGHDAD: Iraqi security……
RIYADH: Saudi Arabia's former intelligence chief Prince Turki al-Faisal said world powers on Iran's uranium enrichment allowed……
It’s not unheard of to use animals in warfare, so when Iran found 14 squirrels near their border with espionage equipment, they……
Kerry “reiterated our desire to move toward a political framework by the end of March”, a senior US official said after……
Recently, there has been a clash between border guards of Iran and Pakistan. The incident was a local mistake emerged out as a group……
Iraqi artillery shells buried beside a murky lake. The blast, part of an effort to destroy munitions that could be used in makeshift……
Mu'izz al-Din Muhammad (1149 – March 15, 1206), also known as Muhammad of Ghor, was Sultan of the Ghurid Empire along……
Today i post the picture of the amazing car this car is the most beautiful car in the world i like very very much this car i you also……
As these compounded problems do not any augur well for the Pakistan so the programmatic approach towards the issues is badly required.Rational……
The Persian Empire Persia (Iran) was a……
The Court Of Sultan Mahmud Sultan……
In Indo Afghan Strategic pact,concluded during Afghan President Karzai’s October 2011 visit to India,India has pledged to trained……
It is frustrating that 57 OIC members in possession of 70% of the world energy resources and 40% of available raw material record……
Lack of unity among the Muslim countries over the years has proved to be the major internal challenges faced by Muslim Ummah as is……
Timor was a Tatar Turk, born in AD 1336. His father was the ruler of small tribe. Timor was still a child when his mother died and……
When I started my career as a writer on the FILMANNEX the first of blog of mine was" What you want the War or the Peace". I started……
The revolution, civil war and years of fighting in our country Afghanistan, made more people to leave their homes and immigrate to……
Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) In……
I remember when I was a teenager and saw bombings and shellings in Iraq by US army. Mr. Bush, the senior, and Mr. Bush, the junior……
A gulf is a stretch of water surrounded by land on three sides. The Persian Gulf is one of the most famous gulfs in the world. It……
Pakistan is one most beautiful and important Muslim country of the world. It is the first Muslim country that has Atomic power. The……
Middle East is the name given to the Muslim countries of southwest Asia, north Africa and southeaster Europe. Many of these countries……
Repablioc of Armenia ,a little country located in Caucasus ,country has 29 thousand square kilometer area……
Helena Costa, the Portuguese coach of the Iranian women's national soccer team coach became the French Clermont fout men's soccer……
AMAZING FACTS 1.Birds and mammals are the only animals with automatic systems for controlling body temperature. ……
Co-education has made a surprising progress in modern times. Its concept is the studying of boys and girls in one and the same school……
One of the most critical factors in the Islam vs west is the hegemonic designs of the west.West in general and the world super power……
چند وقت پیش انیمیشنی که ساخته بودم در جشنواره انمیشن گویته مقام اول رو کسب……
ISLAM HOLY RELAGAN islam has the first pasition between all the relagan . islam has more and very follower in diffrint ountries……
Hey guys, how’s everything? The title written above is somewhat obscure. I mean you may not get the idea of this short article……
In olden times, the activities of women were restricted to performing domestic duties and they were considered to be merely child-producing……
Twenty-ninth week of Iran premier league started with eight games and in the most important matches Esteqlal 1-0 won Folad, Prespolis……
Lo scorso mese ha segnato il terzo anniversario dall'inizio del conflitto in Siria. È impossibile avere stime accurate, ma……
Last month marked the 3-year anniversary since the beginning of the conflict in Syria. Although exact numbers are impossible to calculate,……
Twenty-eighth week of Iran football Premier League resumed on Thursday after twenty days off. Break in league competitions of……
Based on the new decision of Asia confederation, three teams from Iran will join the Champions League next season directly……
Though after the disagreement with the requisite President Karzai, the US indicated, it will move forward with their contingency……
Teacher day is one of those days in the world, which is celebrated by different countries at different dates. The objective……
International day of Nawroz march 21 Nawroz is the beginning of New Year in solar Hijri calendar. It marks the first day of spring.……
GROWING HERBS IN YOUR HOME can turn your windowsill into a medicine cabinet. The nutrients and antioxidants in herbs help boost immunity,……
Many have said, 'If it’s possible then do eat fish once a day, if you can’t do that then eat it once a week if still not……
Calling the US, same as Soviets', the Taliban has called upon the nation to stand against the 'US forces' and drive them out of the……
We are already in the second month of 2014 which has been seen as year for the security and stability in Afghanistan as United States……
Afghanistan is located in the north of the KPK province of Pakistan. It shares border with Pakistan and encompasses a land of approx.……
MY VISIT TO IRAN Iran's Train, On the way to Tehran ,,, Photos by me (Amar Annex) Iran is also known as Persia, because their……
Basketball federation officials say that the national women's basketball team will travel to Iran. Ghous Nikbeen, Basketball Federation……
Thousands years ago when Man started to rear the animals, then cow, ox, buffaloes, goats, sheep, donkeys, horses, dogs, camels,……
For centuries Ghazni has been a centre of culture, trade and politics in the region comprising today’s Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan……
War is a defeat for humanity. It has been believed that war is not solution to any problem.History tells very few percentage of wars……
"I sincerely believe that you and your organization are doing invaluable work, and putting precious efforts into raising awareness……
حضور اکرم (صلی الله علیہ و آلہ وسلّم)-نے ارشاد فرمایا ،پاک رہنا آدھا ایمان……
Herat: Herat city is an ancient and old city heart is located in the north west of our grand country Afghanistan. And has border ……
Il 2014 è appena iniziato. Un nuovo anno significa un nuovo capitolo ed un nuovo passo per cominciare tutto ciò……
2014 has just started. A new year is a new chapter and a fresh step of starting everything you missed or skipped during the past year.……
Resources and factors given by the Almighty Allah are helpful in production of wealth and provision facilities of life are called……
Like those from other countries, modern Iranians tend to marry……
Con così tanti conflitti che continuano nel mondo, non posso che essere felice dei nuovi sviluppi che si possono osservare……
With so many conflicts going on in the world, I can only be excited about the new developments between Iran and the West.……
Name : Asra Age :, 19 years old From : Heart/Afghanistan Graduate from school since 2011Mahjobe Heravy high school I……
Festivals are celebrations and special events held for many different reasons. Some like New year, to celebrate in a particular time.……
In view of these objectives Pakistan had to develop close relations with the Islamic world. Pakistan and Iran Iran, a Muslim country,……
Il 24 Novembre 2013, l'Organizzazione per i Diritti Umani e la Democrazia in Afghanistan (Afghanistan Human Rights and Democracy Organization……
On 24-Nov-2013, The Afghanistan Human Rights and Democracy Organization (AHRDO) had a conference about Women’s issues in Kabul,……
Ahmad Zahir was born in 1946 in Laghman province of Afghanistan, started his artistic life when he was still in school, and his first……
Farid Zaland the founder of one of the most famous Iranian and persian music company, Avang, is a composer, singer and musician, was……
Geographically Pakistanis situated in South Asia. In Asia, Its geographical position made it much more important. In its east,……
Look closely at the map of Pakistan. The borders of Pakistan meet with Afghanistan, China, Iran and India. These countries are……
If there's one person in the world who's most responsible for my love for traveling, that would be my mother. Ever since she sent……
The concept of a world divided by countries is obsolete. Holding a passport is a way to limit people's space to travel and communicate.……
There are two easiest questions that you might have faced in your life when you were asked for, "Where are you from?", "Where were……
Something that we may not consider a big deal but truly is for the Islamic-dominant society in Iran, cabinet members opened……
Introduction: When friends first told me about a brilliant, hip Afghan-Canadian female pop singer who was winning……
Introduction: Few people would expect to find an Afghan professional football * star becoming world-famous on……
In next year’s Afghan presidential elections, Fawzia Koofi, a woman, will be running for the presidency. Though Afghanistan……
Tonight, a special dinner and round table was held at the New York Athletic Club. This dinner was organized by Mario Mercado, Wrestler,……
Afghan people have experienced 30 years of Civil wars in Afghanistan. Therefor, lack of education is a great challenge for people……
Uh-oh, Iran is planning to sue Hollywood because of the Oscar-winning "Argo" according to the Huffington Post. Why? Due to the……
Iranians are facing a medical crisis amid tightening sanctions from the US and its allies. Iranian pharmacies are running out of life-saving……
I have no interest in becoming an expert on US and international finance. But all I can hear in the news are conversations about Fiscal……
Wrestling is the very first sport of the Olympiad. It goes back to 708 B.C. In the recent years, Olympic Wrestling opened its doors……
Meeting a successful female entrepreneur doesn't sound like anything out of the ordinary, but when this person comes from a country……
When the Houston Film Critics' Society announced their nominees for their annual awards last December, "Lincoln" led the pack……
In Afghanistan, writers and scholars can be paid as low as $100 per month, while here at Film Annex we pay a blogger up to $100 for……
If you want to indict your enemy for blasphemy and sentence them to death or at least banishment from human rights then accuse them……
Israel Prime Minister will mostly have his Administration to blame if the world does not heed his words. Israel's Prime Minister used……
Release of Christian pastor charged with apostasy has been welcomed; however, arrest and detention of many others continues to be……
Today is International Day Against Nuclear Tests, ironically same day UNSG Ban Ki-moon is in Tehran to attend the Non-Aligned nations……
Gambia’s long-term authoritarian ruler who took over in a military coup announced that his prisons would soon/within month promptly……
Central Asia is on the cusp of greater chaos or immense prosperity depending on the perception of the past, present and future.……
Since the ruling government of the current Islamic government Iran led by President Ahmedin Nejad and the far eastern country North……
Central Asia: Central Asia, the cradle of civilization, with thousands and thousands of years of history, is……
“The taking of life is too absolute, too irreversible, for one human being to inflict on another, even when backed by……
“Given the lack of transparency in court proceedings, major concerns remain about due process and fairness of trials in cases……
Kofi Annan has now given it a name and sent out invitations for this high-level and perhaps last ditch conference to pull a political……
“Disappointing” is how the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) characterized results of talks with Iran regarding……
It is not about the relationship between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Afghanistan and Iran share more than just a long border. The populations……
Depends on your perspective and definition of success. No way to stop Iran from achieving the knowledge/capability to ultimately……
Carla Bruni is alone back home with her guitar and ex-President husband. Carla Bruni at Camp David to sing love songs around……
“Islamic law and traditions embrace the principle of providing protection to those who seek asylum. It also forbids the……
Is Iran or Palestine the target of Israel Prime Minister’s Benjamin Netanyahu Iran policy? Another of Israel’s most informed……
Cuddling the most loud, arrogant, abusive and self-involved of the leaders in the Muslim world, Hugo Chavez was projecting his own……
The United States is still one of the few western democracies that applies the death penalty. In fact it is one of the states along……
Iran’s nuclear program was the subject but it was really more about what talks would follow the resumption of negotiations this……
"As High Commissioner for Human Rights, I call for an immediate investigation. Justice must be done for the victim. It's not……
April Fool’s Day is not an inspiration when the Assad regime and its allies have managed to stretch the credulity……
From the UN & Diplomatically Incorrect, wishes for peace and unity that lies at the core of Nowruz, the spring festival marking the……
How to encourage true transformation toward real democracy and more open society in Iran? It is probably also best way to insure a……
From changing political fortunes to increased food prices and hunger as potential consequences. Gasoline prices are hurting the consumer,……
Iran votes today, and for all its faults, the Islamic Republic has had at least some claim of being a democracy on paper. However,……
IAEA inspector team returned from Iran largely unsatisfied, and head of the Agency issued a brief statement that emphasized “disappointed.”……
President Hugo Chavez has developed a habit of putting Venezuela on, more like embracing wrong side of history – only see Libya……
The UN’s Nuclear Agency announced more meetings on re Iran’s nuclear project just as it had concluded the investigative mission……
None of the major players want military conflict at Strait of Hormuz , not Washington, Beijing, EU, GCC or Tehran. That explains why……
Nabil Elaraby will be coming to NYC to press ahead with the Arab League plan. Syria has strenuously objected to plan which calls for……
European Union has joined US on oil/payments, but what about China, Russia or even immediate neighbors? Iran’s response so far has……