Kashmir occupied Indian

watch beautiful view of indian border and kashmir it
Video by American Enterprise Institute via Youtube As the political and environmental scenario is changing day by day, changes……
Kashmir Massacre In recent past it has been observed that the cruelty of Indian army troops and enforcements has been crossed……
A thing of beauty is a joy forever……
Image credit: Twitter.com Personally, I don't have issue with these tweets as they are Indian citizens and it suites them, but as……
Leepa valley is located in Azad Kashmir, at 105 kilometers distance from Muzaffarabad. This valley is famously known as heart of Kashmir……
Natural beauty is un matched. Pakistan have world most beautiful places for visit, specially at its best in northern areas of Pakistan……
Hello Everybody I Wanted to Share some of my Collection of Preciouse Gemstones ( Also Up for Sale if any Interest ) I hope you guys……
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif arrived in Muzaffarabad, Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) on Friday to mark Kashmir Day. The premier……
Kashmir Day in PakistanKashmir Day or Kashmir Solidarity Day is a public holiday in Pakistan on February 5 each year. It focuses on……
Pakistan's independence Day Pakistan's independence day (also known as Yom-e-Istiqlal (Urdu: یوم استقلال )) is observed……
Teachers of poor countries are victimized of severe hardships. There is need of policy to provide secure environment……
Cordoba mosque, the church is being converted I heard envied hy.aaly Aitzaz Ahsan, Mr. Imtiaz Alam direction, Ms. Asma Jahangir,……
Heart of Azad Jammu and Kashmir..
Introduction Kashmir Issue refers to the territorial dispute between India & Pakistan over Kashmir . The official stated stance……
Indian-controlled Kashmir, Nov. 7 (Xinhua)--Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi Saturday arrived in Indian-controlled Kashmir amid……
My name is USAMA HASHMI... I am a #pakistani And i don't hate #indian but i have a huge problem of govt of india when, it labels #Pakistan……
Kashmir is occupied by India Pakistan & China.... It is a disputed territiory on the South Asian soil. Kashmir is the main reason……
Kashmir very cute and charming views, but it is full of the blood of enemies read his rivers are given. The people of Kashmir……
The Jammu and Kashmir government on Saturday released separatist leader Masrat Alam from preventive detention after more than four……
Pakistan is an country situated in the heart of Asia. Its position has a great importance,both strategic and business. God has gifted……
Kashmir may be a mountainous region within the Himalaya Mountains between India and Asian country. it's been a conflict region for……
Today my post in my blog is only for Waking up the Pakistanis This is now last chance of waking up please my all brothers and sisters……
The relation between Pakistan and India are like and entangled wire which cannot be easily disentangled. India is of the view that……
The creation of Pakistan was marvel in the history of the world bit it brought several problems in its wake. The 562 states of India……
The Kashmir issue is one of those problems which the UN has been unable to solve over the last 55 years. When South Asia was given……
Here, I chose Film Annex, to convey my most important message to all over the world because it is such a great social media that is……
Afghanistan “A ground of Wars” The hair raising wars, the World War 1st and 2nd completely demolished the human life.……
The eroded fiber of my life is strengthened.My bisected organs,in the storm of bombs sing.Each part of my feet,that was cruelly butchered.In……
Every aspect of Kashmir`s……
Jammu and Kashmir is a disputed land land between India and Pakistan since over a half century. When the indo-pak……
FROM HARIPUR TO KHUNJRAB TOP One day i set out on a ten days recreational tour which took me to the world's highest passage, the Khunjrab……
ALLAMAIQBALL was born in Sialkot on November 9 1877. His father belonged to Kashmir .His father sheikh NOOR MUHAMMAD was a religious……
The problem of Kashmir is a big issue today that brings us from India to Pakistan. Even since partition, Kashmir has been a bone of……
The state of Kashmir is a Muslim majority area between India and Pakistan.People of this region decided to stay with Pakistan but……
Importance Of History Of Pakistan Establishment as a homeland for India Muslims, Pakistan has fewer Muslims then than India……
South Asian peace can only be achieved by solving the dispute of Kashmir between the two atomic powers Pakistan and India. History……
Today we talk about the problem of Kashmir we all know that the problem of Kashmir is a burning issue of today.Even since partition,……
Federally Administrated Tribal Areas Villages in Pakistan This is the place on earth which is really known as the second paradise……
When Pakistan and India were not came in existence this thing was decided already that muslims majority places will be included in……
Pakistan is the islamic country in the world. And also the first Islamic atomic country . Pakistan have four provinces Sindh , Punjab,……
بہار، ہر موسم کا اپنا ہی مزہ ہوتا ہے مگر بہار ،کے موسم میں ہر چیز نے تارو……
the quran is book of guidance.the holy quran presented to prophet muhammad(Sallallahu 'alahi wa Salaam) through angelJibreel alaihissallam.the……
دنیا میں کہیں بی اگر کوئی دہشتگردی کا مسلہ پیش ا جائے تو بدقسمتی سے قصوروار……
Kashmir problem is the major cause of political tension between Pakistan and India. ……
In 90s there was a program broadcast every day at 6 pm from national TV on the suffering of people live in Indian Occupied Kashmir.……
Monument The Pakistan Monument in Islamabad,……
Murre is the one of the best and popular summer resort with huge hills in Pakistan. Murre is special visiting point for Islamabad……
Muzaffarabad: Speakers at a memorial reference at the National Press Club on Saturday paid rich tributes to the iconic leader Nelson……
Quaid-e-Azam is a great personality and he is not only a leader of Pakistan but also a great statesman.He showed brilliant powers……
Geographically Pakistanis situated in South Asia. In Asia, Its geographical position made it much more important. In its east,……
In Pakistan getting a job is like conquering Kashmir. Those who have a job are luckiest and considered superior to others. Having……
I love trekking, and for a mountain-lover like me the Himalayas represent the top of the top. During the summer of 2012 I spent a……
Anusha was a young woman from a remote village in the southern district of Kotli, in the Pakistan-administered Kashmir region. Anusha……