Why Is Land Use Plan is Important in the Process of Development

Video Credits: TallTimbers1948 via YouTube The land is a natural resource that forms part of the properties of the country not covered……
Video Credits: TallTimbers1948 via YouTube The land is a natural resource that forms part of the properties of the country not covered……
An old Native America tale recounts how the trees of northeast America were so dense that a squirrel could jump from branch to branch……
PAKISTAN LAND Image sours of (www.google.com) Pakistan is a beautiful……
Sources of Transport In Pakistan Transport is the movement of people, animals and goods from one location to another. Modes of transport……
SwitzerlandCountry in EuropeSwitzerland is a mountainous Central European country, home to numerous lakes, villages and the high peaks……
let me take you back to the history. 14 August, 1947. A land filled with the smell of patriotism. Wherepeople dreamed for a home.……
One of the inventors of innovation in land cultivation sand is PT. INDMIRA. The company has a commitment to improving the environment,……
Land Link Coin. Each LLC, as an additional value, is backed by 100 kg of stored CO2, from projects that are developed and / or funded……
Forest means the area covered by the trees. There should be forest on about 25% of land of any country. Which plays an important role……
An unmanned Space X rocket blasted off from Florida to send a cargo ship to the International Space Station, then……
Where is this place? I looked at the sky and look for the stars .. Without my knowing it .. I was alone and separately with the other……
I had been online for a number of years looking for additional income and it had been worthwhile earning dollars and a lot of……
Xapo has made it easy to use bitcoin to send tips via Twitter. By @ mentioning a user and using the hashtag #xapotip, you can send……
when your life is dyed black, then painted it the sparkling stars ...!.. I
This Post is all about Pakistan......!! Pakistan is the only country which get the independence on the name of islam . Pakistan is……
The Broghil valley Pakistan is my dear homeland,where everything,mighty mountains,four season,season wise temperature,precious……
There is a great feast on the seventh day. The Chinese believe that the man came into the world on the seventh day, so this……
Today pollution is most serious problem of country like Pakistan ,India ETC .......Its harm the body system and create a harmful ……
Turkey is one of the richest places in the Middle East. The places of interest are mainly NEMRUT: Place of Giant Sculptures, AMASRA:……
The phenomena of separatism and fundamentalism are haunting the land of pure.It is not denying the fact that these ills did not grow……
In last few days, the land of Palestine has been completely filled up with bloodshed of innocent Children and women. they dont even……
Land pollution is a grave problem of today. It affects the quality of land. It is the deterioration of land due to human activities.……
PART 2 ……
Monsoon is the wind that changes direction with the direction of seasons. The monsoon prevails mainly in the Indian Ocean. The summer……
Arabia is a country of matchless beauty. It is a land of deserts. These deserts have no tracks or paths. They are full of loose sandy……
Resources are the essential elements of nature. They serve for the existence of Organisms. These resources include food, water, air,……
Specific heat of a substance is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kg mass of that substance through I K. Its……
NATURAL RESOURCES Natural resources such as water, land, soil and minerals now grip additional importance. Because humans have been……
MOVEMENT OF THE EARTH The surface of the Earth where we live looks flat to us. Even if we travel thousands of kilometers on the surface……
A forest is an area with a high density of trees. There are many definitions of a forest, based on various criteria. These plant communities……
The "Land of Smiles" is not smiling right now. A country that is known for its beautiful natural scenery, rich historical heritage……
People give gifts for weddings for different ways. Usually people wants to be help the bride and the groom. Many people in other country……
At Film Annex we pay our authors, filmmakers, and content generators through our Buzz Score (as I've said before it's Klout with meaning……
First of all I introduce you myself. My name is Zain ul abidin. I live in Haripur, KPK Pakistan.……
hazrat Ibrahim had a son Ishaq from his first wife,sara. Isahaq grew up to be a prophet and later his son, yaqub and his son,……
Il genere horror è stato uno dei miei preferiti crescendo, a partire da uno zombie movie, il film del 1980 di Bruno Mattei……
The horror genre was a favorite of mine growing up and it started with a zombie film, Bruno Mattei's 1980 "Hell of the Living Dead."……
With the next instalment of the ever popular James Bond franchise set to arrive in October 2015, speculation into the casting of the……
Sport is those physical activities, which accomplishes for entertainment, hobby, and battle. When these activities are done according……
America is a land of opportunity. As everyone knows America is situated between Canada to the north and Mexico to the south, the Atlantic……
One of the greatest qualities of American culture that our American patriots and revolutionaries introduced is the idea of America……
Almost everywhere on land there is soil it is the material that covers the earth’s surface. Soil is very important because many……
Nadia Nadim an Afghan girl suffered from many problems and bans she had while she was in Afghanistan and due to her problems……
Many of us wonder, what is the exact origin of the Japanese samurai? To be honest, the Japanese samurai has been around since……
Introduction: Leena Alam لينا علم ……
Bonaventure Boys Home - Cayman Islands This week we interview Sydney Williams who is the General Manager of the Bonaventure Boys’……
“A recurring issue that has come to my attention in various contexts is that of violence against indigenous women and girls,”……
Justice is only a theory unless all persons can access it through rule of law. “The rule of law is meaningless for people living……
Sitting there next to Brad Pitt at the Golden Globes like an elegant Barbie Doll, Angelina Jolie smiled supportively at George Clooney's……