Artificial Intelligence: Mathematics and Machine Learning

Video Credits: Siraj Raval via YouTube Image Credits: Sharon Lopez via Bitlanders (Based image credits: Geralt via Pixabay - Blog……
Video Credits: Siraj Raval via YouTube Image Credits: Sharon Lopez via Bitlanders (Based image credits: Geralt via Pixabay - Blog……
In the mind's eye, a fractal is a way of seeing infinity. – James Gleick Who Discovered Fractal Geometry? "Benoît……
As I said I will write a blog on mathematics so here it is, the reason I thought of it is because I'm just studying Advance mathematical……
A genius with dark secrets Isaac Newton changed the way we understand the Universe. Revered in his own lifetime, he discovered the……
The most recently wrote, Sudoku solver program. it is written in C ++ to few years ago, but has been completely left behind……
Bitcoin isn't actually the first digital currency used on the world-wide-web. There was actually the e-Gold being the first but it……
This is a story about love. About inscrutable complexity and remarkable simplicity, about the promise of forever. It is about obsession……
"$\mathbb Q(sqrt{5})$ is the field having the least discriminant such that $a^3 + b^3 = c^3$" has a non-trivial solution."I never……
Cinema can be a place for mathematical problems. If I have five mint imperials and there are six people in the cinema using their……
Kalkulus itu sebenarnya aku gak bisa cuma aku pengen tahu bagaimana kalkulus itu sebenarnya , soalnya begini : Dalam sebuah……
Logaritma itu dulu aku suka ,ntah sekarang kok aku jadi lupa ya, untuk mengingatkan kembali memoriku mengenai Logaritma iseng……
Tadinya aku mau nulis blog , cuma aku memang terkena virus malas, kalau begitu mending ngerjain soal saja, sekalian aku juga belajar,……
Diketahui suatu barisan R(n) yg memenuhi hubungan R(0) = 7, R(1) = (-4), R(2)=8, danR(n) = 2R(n-1) + 5R(n-2) - 6R(n-3) untuk n lebih besar……
Jika x dan y adalah bilangan2 bulat, maka tentukan semua pasangan bilbul (x,y) sedemikian sehingga (xy-7)^2 = x^2 + y^2 jawab : (xy-7)^2=x^2+y^2……
PhotoMath is a really interesting application for smart phone. Solving mathematical equations has always been a headache for……
Seandainya ada fitur latex nya kan enak juga, sekalian aku mau nulis persamaan matematik yang sederhana, dan ngerjain pertanyaan kan……
Apa Itu Bitlanders? Bitlanders adalah jejaring sosial yang berisi seberapa besar pengguna Jejaring sosial tersebut berpengaruh……
Anyone who cannot cope with Mathematics is not fully human. At best he is a tolerable subhuman who has learned to wear shoes, bathe,……
Objective The objective of this lab is to implement 1st and 2nd order systems first in matlab function method and then using SIMULINK.……
The truth of dictum “ a healthy body possesses a sound mind cannot be denied. It is time tested rule which has established itself……
There had been little development in science during the long span of middle ages (c.500 to 1350 AD) as the Catholic papacy had staunchly……
7-Faculty of Engineering : In 1816 , a school of engineering was established in the citadel and then , another one was established……
When we say that Knowledge is power", we mean that knowledge is the only source of strength in the world. The idea that wealth……
In Pakistan getting a job is like conquering Kashmir. Those who have a job are luckiest and considered superior to others. Having……
Hi! my name is syedhidayatullah.i am a student of M.S.c mathematics in haripur university(k.p.k)pakistan.I was in hostel for……
Education is the cornerstone to a better life for young girls. It impacts their heath, livelihood, and sense of well-being. For too……