makes 60 years that bird, charlie parker , died

american, negro, jazz and bluesman!all portuguese libraries gott its music, everybody gott its music in portugal,we all saw at rtp……
american, negro, jazz and bluesman!all portuguese libraries gott its music, everybody gott its music in portugal,we all saw at rtp……
american, negroe, blues musician that everybody in portugal gott from the time when there were discoteques and all portuguese libraries……
world famous that also we portuguese knew damn well for we all eared him alive also in Portugal and was also tu in portuguese all……
The short film "In the spider" is part of the Official Selection of the sixth Fiction Festival di Cinema e Poesia Versi Di Luce performing……
Sigo trabajando en mi estudio con mi película animada de pintura sobre vidrio llamada "the city". Mientras la estaba animando,……