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Hello everybody. I hope everybody is fit and fine. EVERYBODY I JUST WANTED TO ANNOUCE THAT if someone is intreasted in investment……
Hello everybody. I hope everybody is fit and fine. EVERYBODY I JUST WANTED TO ANNOUCE THAT if someone is intreasted in investment……
Affiliate Marketing is an online monetization strategy which online marketers use to promote the products and make money online. The……
instamate review and demo-Grow your instagram fast Hey guys! check out the above link and get an access to faster ways of running……
instamate review and demo-Grow your instagram fast Hey guys! check out the above link and get an access to faster ways of running……
Web Televisions Basically as name indicates that some thing related to web.Its basically a technology which enables us to view……
What is a WebTV? WebTV is a Web devoted to showing audiovisual content; It is a promotional tool that lets you create your own……
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"Short form video filmmakers are the heart and soul of bitLanders". Same goes for Wochit - the Revolution in Short Form Video……
آج میں فلم پروڈکشن کے تناظر میں امریکہ جیسے ترقی یافتہ ملک اور افغانستان……
“We believe that beauty is a wise weapon,” states a woman in a voiceover in this inspirational video explaining……
اخری ہفتے بیانڈ"بیسٹس" کے کھولنے پر جانے کیلۓ نیو اولینز کے سیر نے 4 دن لے……
Why is film production so important? And I am not talking about Hollywood productions now. I would like to talk about online film……
Today I would like to talk about difference between developing countries like Afghanistan and developed countries like USA from film……
The Oscar-nominated black and white animation is available for all to see. And this is great news. I think especially for short films……
Video production is a tough business, from beginning to end, so when online video filmmakers complete a show, it is truly amazing.……
A few months ago, a friend described the Facebook code as a spaghetti ball and explained that the gradual growth of the social……
Thousands of people are becoming famous because of their videos online. How to film online video successfully? 1. Make it viral This……
In the last few days, I have seen and felt the pain of incredible Athletes at the Olympics. After Federica Pellegrini, in swimming,……
Recently We received footage from Afghanistan where Elaha Mahboob, a web designer manager and software developer at Citadel Software……
Have you ever thought of making your own videos to promote yourself? Online video is a low-cost and effective……
Most of us have been watching videos online for years. But have you ever wondered how much of our society has been changed by it?……
What is the fastest and most effective way to convey a message? The answer is video. At least one third of online activity is spent……
When people talk about the benefits of online video, one term that comes up fairly often is "audience engagement." This is the capacity……
Recently, I read a WSJ article about how Hollywood producers create WebTV shows. Starting in October 2011, Google (YouTube)……
Producing independent films requires completely different approach,than commercial projects. Budgets are small here, and every dollar……
A few months ago Francesco Rulli came up with idea to shoot a web series for Film Annex's sister company M.T.I., an Italian textile……
One hundred years ago, a Russian documentary film, newsreel director, Dziga Vertov, created a new language for reporting the reality……
Online video platforms: which option is best for today's independent filmmakers? My humble opinion might surprise you.Let's face……
Mauricio Vargas made $1,900 without even having his Web TV or any of his movies featured on Film Annex's homepage. How did he do it?……