Good Morning Peeps! top motivational Quote from me :)

The difference between "I like you and I love you" If you like a flower , U just pluck it But If you love a flower , u just water……
The difference between "I like you and I love you" If you like a flower , U just pluck it But If you love a flower , u just water……
Giving clothes Giving clothes is a great way of helping out the community, donations of clothing can make a great difference to an……
St. Joseph's, Syracuse, Named Baby-Friendly Hospital The World Health Organization's (WHO) Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI)……
5 Health Benefits of Donating Blood A spider bite might not transform you into a superhero, but a small needle prick and a little……
Quotes about Blood Donation Be a blood and organ donor. All it costs is a little love.-Author UnknownBlood is that fragile scarlet……
GivingTuesday Brings People Together in Planning for Fourth Annual Global Day of Giving on December 1, 2015 GivingTuesday, a global……
South African Billionaire Patrice Motsepe Donates $1.2 Million To Cape Town Communities According to Cape Argus report, South Africa’s……
Buffett donates record $2.84 billion to Gates, family charities Warren Buffett on Monday donated about $2.84 billion of Berkshire……
Manoj Bhargava It's a dream for many, but it's real life for Manoj Bhargava, 61, and 5-Hour Energy. The son of a college professor,……
PAKISTAN lets start with the nation anthem of Pakistan Nation anthem of Pakistan Why i am writing about Pakistan? because I……
Guys today i am introducing some people who changed their life from dark to lightness...Please share this and read this so every person……
Tidak perdulukan sekitar dan penumpang lain, yang penting keinginan dan kebutuhan mereka terpenuhi, mungkin itu yang ada dalam benak……
Here I leave the link on the opinion of Taylor……
"I am a mountaineer and my love for mountaineering landed me in Pakistan ten years ago. Everyone warned me not to go, but I……
"I've noticed that poor/economically challenged people have relatively bigger hearts. Two men sharing a plate of 'daal' (lentils)……
Yesterday i get SUBSCRIBERS by aloot of people and i sub them back, but the things is no one buzz my post but i did of so……
The purpose to join this network is not to earn money for myself but to help those who needs it. I want to delineate the life of a……
A deaf man and a woman from Bali plays the duo gamelan bali. This is one illustration of the uniqueness of the people of Bali. They……
The Livelihood is based on nature is some kind of a way for the disaster of the reason forests. But in the same time, some people……
Thats why people like Indonesia.. really beautiful.many of culture, religion, and friendly people.
A We Know if A Man Become Millionaire he will absolutely first try to fulfill his dreams, means to go Somewhere,……
GLOBAL SPYING (TRANSLATION) Few days’ earlier American resources disclosed that during the government of Pakistan People’s……
Electricity is the necessary need of our daily lives now. Without electricity our many works stops. Uses of electricity:- Electricity……
Part one There is no doubt that everybody knows something about worth of press. Before beginning of our discussion on history of press,……
Most of the animals can easily swim into water when they entered fast time into the river. Dog, horses, beer and the buffalo do not……
Today i am talking about village life in Pakistan. in Pakistan the village life is so simple.people wake up early in morning going……
Today we talk about the relationship between the Pakistan and all country of the world. As we know that the relationship between Pakistan……
Today i am discuss about his childhood and my past life in family.Looking back on my childhood, I realize how lucky I was to be blessed……
My name is Muhammad Arsalan I live in a little village name Pharhala. Pharhala is a very beautiful village distance of two miles from……
Today we take about the poor peoples of our society.The constitution of Pakistan postulates a society in which social,economic and……
Today i will tell u about a very terrible scene of my whole life.One day i am going to a visit city that are behind of our village.When……
Now a day’s beggary is become a profession in all around the world as well as in Pakistan. According to my observation there……
Villages are the backbone of the Pakistani nation. More than eighty percent of our people live in villages. But it is a matter of……
Early rising is a good habit in the peoples but many peoples avoid this by careless and wake up half day.The great advantage of early……
The People’s Choice Awards announced today that platinum-selling Grammy Award-winning artist and Academy Award-winner, Jennifer……
Scrivendo quest'articolo darò fastidio ad alcune persone, ma non mi importa. Ho sempre sofferto dentro di me pensando al popolo……
I'm going to irritate some people with this article, but I don't care. I've been hurting in private for the Tibetan people since I……
Money means the amount of rupees by which we get or buy any thing in the market.The value of money of every country is different according……
Pakistan is a front line against terrorism. Pakistan play very important role against terrorism. In last 10 to 12 years Pakistan has……
Steve McQueen's "12 Years A Slave" walked one step closer to Oscar glory by winning the Toronto International Film Festival's People's……
Introduction: Afghan media superstar Khatera Yusufi is a force for change in Central and South Asia, and is what……
Today, Afghan people are not only involved in farming activities, but they are doing social media and other activities. Afghan people’s……
Food is a necessary thing that supports nutritional for the body. Food includes plant, animal origin and……
Money is some things of value. In this topic I want to write something about Afghanistan’s money changes in historical……
“A recurring issue that has come to my attention in various contexts is that of violence against indigenous women and girls,”……
Redefining communism has fueled China’s emergence but it has also evolved a new hierarchy characterized by wealth and……
“Those schools were premised on this idea that indigenous peoples were inferior to the general population, their cultures and……