Frederick Espiritu is Mysterious Aries a Poet and Lyricist

Hello there guys! This is my very first Blog and I think it is just good to tell you something about myself. I enjoy writing lyrics……
Hello there guys! This is my very first Blog and I think it is just good to tell you something about myself. I enjoy writing lyrics……
Slow sighs, engrossed in dreams,waters, flowing in currents,perfumed, by the fragrance of your walk,my shipwreck is to drift away……
Allama Muhammad Iqbal ……
For other people named Muhammad Iqbal, see Muhammad Iqbal (disambiguation).Dr. Sir AllamaMuhammad Iqbalمحمد اقبال BornMuhammad……
his Lightning Slim system Really Works? Posted 4 months agoLightning Slim, Lightning Slim Review,……
Hero's of Pakistan Many people watch movies to see their's a hero,hero is main rule of any movie.Hero also exist in real life,they……
Hoon To Khafa Us SEPar Jaane Phir Bhi Kyun Na Chaah Kar Bhi Us Ko Chahna Achha Lagta HaiHaqeeqat Se Hoon Dhoor Ye Mujh Ko Hai PataPer……
نئے خیال کے لفظوں کی شاعری بنکرمیں اسکے ہاتھ سے نکلی ہوںاب نئ بنکرمری حیات……
خاک تدبیر ہوا کرتی ہےہونی تو ہوکے رہا کرتی ہےشام ہوتے ہی مرے جسم کی دھوپمیرے……
کہ جس کو دیکھے ہوئے آج اک زمانہ ہواوہ شخص اپنے نئے گھر میں بھی پرانا ہواخزاں……
اقبال تیری عظمت کی داستاں کیا سناؤں تیری زندگی پھ لکھوں تو الفاظ نہ پاؤںکوئ……
Daleel-E-Subah-E-Roshan Hai Sitaron Ki Tunak Tabi Ufaq Se Aftab Ubhra, Gya Dour-E-Garan Khawabi Urooq-E-Murda’ay Mashriq Mein……
NEELAAM GHAR BY TARIQ AZIZ - MY FAVOURITE SHOW ON TV Neelaam Ghar (literally means "Auction House" in English) is the show that brings……
To a Cat Mirrors are not more silentNor the creeping dawn more secretive;In the moonlight, you are that pantherWe catch sight of from……
Looking out of the sliding glass doorAs I am typing this article hereI watch as the squirrels come up to playAnd look for seed from……
never ask others to bend for you so that you can have your way never order others about so that you can have it your way never underestimate……
Iqbal is a great poet . He is admired as a prominent classical poet by Pakistani , Indian and other international scholars of of literature……
evrybody in portugal gott its works and was always tu in french and portuguese, bestseller
Dr. Muhammad iqbal is the greatest Muslim thinker and poet of the century. He was born at Sialkot on the 22nd February,1873.his father,……
from são tomé e príncipe always portuguese, died 43 years ago in lísboa, everybody knew him damn well……
Saya berlainan .. Saya tidak sesempurna kau Jiwa ku, kau tertontarkan dari raga ku Daun-daun hijau serta kau ubahnya jadi coklat Salah……
Jim Morrison, an American singer,songwriter and poet, said"There things known and things unknown and in between are the doors.""Whoever……
Children are amused by the simplest of things. They find the true joys of childhood in mundane objects. As an adult, a……
born in 1890 and died there in 16, poet, dramaturgist in portuguese and french still awyile he was at high-school, it was futurism……
graduated as attorney in coimbra , at 25th he was in algers, lives in lisboa, poet that all portuguese libraries gott, everybody gott……
if he was alive he ould, had 101 years, graduated at fascist portuguese college and is wife is alive in angola, eugénia, with……
xix century , from barrocal, são bartolomeu de messines, repórter at a paper of beja, studied law in coimbra and also……
"It is the lot of man to share in the deeper aspirations of the universe around him and to share his own destiny as well as that of……
The wind will always be there for you but you keep on ignoring it,the wind never leaves you all alone but you never even……
was married 7 times, alwyas a smoker,from rio, poet whose lirics where transformed to music by tom that this singud and also Frank(whose……
he was the translator of edgar allan poe (phater of police novel)to french and this is the translation original for all other……
died almost 200 years ago, brite, painter and poet early romantism
the white more negroe from brazil , poet,that frankie sunged and you can hear is music in Portugal at Christmas sunged by frankie,……
This poem reminds me so much of my late uncle, who just passed away last week due to complications of his Alzheimer's disease. He……
Today I am going to talk about the great poet Sir Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal. The question arises here that why I choose this topic.……
Never tell the lies in a sea of lives Sea contains you, don't spoil it Die with a truth, better than to tell lie Make dreams……
In life and Death we will not part, As our love is divine. Your body under a bed of garlands, Your silence is same as mine.
Allama Iqbal is the greatest Poet-Philosopher of Asia. He is one of those eminent Personalities who have changed the course of History……
“I Have learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you……
wasi shah is great poet...He also written tv drams..he also act in drama serial..he belongs to a respectable family.he is very famous……
نوجوان اقبال کی سب سے پہلی نظم "ہمالہ" انہی تاثرات کی ایک تصویر ہے – "ہمالہ……
William Shakespeare was a famous English poet play writer and a stage actor. Sometimes he called English national poet. In his play……
“People who have no hold over their process of thinking are likely to be ruined by liberty of thought. If thought is immature,……
Robert frost is a famous American poet of this century. His poetry is simple but profound in thoughts. It gets its nourishment from……
A poet is actually a philosopher. Who can thing beyond of present happened. A poet is a very sensitive character of a society. He……
حج اسلام کا ایک رکن ہے .جس کا ایک بار زندگی میں ادا کرنا ہر بالغ مرد و عورت……
مو هر چی شعر حرف مزخرف همه در این قالب اند مو را از ماست بکشید ای شاعران……
دیوانه ستان از مرز گذشتم مرز هستی و مستی بگذار تا هستی هایم را فدای مستی……
قاتل آسمان چراغ انداخته بود داخل اتاقم می خواست تمام خواب هایم را بدزدد……
ستاره ستاره، ستاره ایست غریب که فریادهایش سالهای نوری را می طلبد تا به……
Every man wants to adopt the best profession which is most respectable in the world. The reason is that, man is always known by the……
Tuesday 1 October 2013 If procrastination has a name, I’ll tell you tomorrow. Kumar returned to his Future Film Steering Group,……
Theater is a part of fine art which become usual these days in Afghanistan. Theater has a long history and it use live performers……
"Nations are born in the hrearts of poets, they prosper and die in the hands of politicians." Sir Muhammad Iqbal was born in Sialkot……
Persian is famous for its poetry more than any other language. Our history, culture, traditions, achievements, improvements, failures……
Introduction: When Afghan movie star Leena Alam told me about the many great works of Hamid Naweed, I knew that the hardest……
Not everyone can be a poet. It takes a special skill, the ability to write in the appropriate pentameter. You need to muster vivid……
PPPOOOEEETTTRRRYYY presents its very first post! Recently came across an interesting interview with a fascinating person on the British……
Introduction: Afghan artist Meena Saifi مینه سیفی is a rising star in the world of international art.……
RabeaaBalkhi is called Persian poem mother. Her progenitors were Arabian that came to Balkh for capturing of Khurasan. Her father……