So I found my dad has some old cricket magazines.. I present Imran Khan

My mother's high-school in Pakistan (during the early 1980s, all-female) had to outright ban magazines on the grounds because literally……
My mother's high-school in Pakistan (during the early 1980s, all-female) had to outright ban magazines on the grounds because literally……
On November 22, 2015, at a WWE Survivor Series, The Undertaker‘s career turned 25. Twenty-five years of absolute spine-chilling……
Remember those childhood days when your classmate teasing you because you were not that good looking? They will just neglect you and……
In the thick fog .. A shining light in the distance .. Uncertain and will certainly, before the night is over .. You can reach the……
Fight, fight, win or lose .. Surely it is not the most important thing .. Fight, fight, yeah right .. Life is not something that can……
Time is the most undefinable yet paradoxical of things; the past is gone, the future is not come, and the present becomes the past……
Happiness comes from within and is found in the present moment by making peace with the past and looking forward to the future.
On the New Year’s Eve, there is a big family dinner. All the family members are invited to this dinner and are supposed to be……
natural resources means that all the resources which can be in this world for the human being and the human being full fill there……
DETAIL OF ORGANELLES: 1). Mitochondria: Mitochondria are called power house of the cell, because of storage of energy in the form……
Modern civilization is dominated due to the scientific and specialization of education. The technical education is very important……
A mosque is the symbol of an Islamic society which is not only the place of worship but also the place of learning. The people's seek……
The use of time is art to live. Our life is very short and we are doing so much work in this short time. In this short time we are……
In this article i will tell about the sources of happiness and the pleasure of learning and the results of our good looking life.……
Lungs are the special part of human body. The function of lungs are respiration. Respiration is a process in which oxygen is intake……
William Wordsworth in his famous poem “The Rainbow” said : “Child is the father of Man”. The persons……
In earth crust 26 % silicon is present. It only occur in combined form and do not occur in free state. In combined form, it exist……
Child labour is a big problem in different countries like Pakistan, India Bangladesh etc. Present a picture of poor Pakistan child……
Diamond are naturally occurring substance and also prepare or made artificially. Natural diamond exist in the form of stone under……
Complaining is considered normal by most of people , because of stresses and problems in life that most of people are fighting against……
They contempt you adequately in these 12 years, made joke for you, chanted you in every chance they got and called in worst words.……
This is just yesterday when people were traveling on the horse backs and messages were sent by the doves but as soon as human entered……
The good old days of my childhood have long passed. The boyhood has come and gone. I am now a young man. The childhood was a period……
Days and months pass to begin a new year and involves another year with its memories (Painful and beautiful) Which have had a significant……
Time is said to be tyrant_Only week person should give that statment for example we have won many battles against time in field of……
In this blog I will tell you that life is not an illusion.It is a reality.We should neither run after joys nor run away from from……