Photo credits: goiinmary Video credits: Veritasium via Youtube Sometimes I am so freaking bored at home……
Photo credits: goiinmary Video credits: Veritasium via Youtube Sometimes I am so freaking bored at home……
Looking Back on My Reading Journey in 2018 Image Credit: haraka Last year, around this time I published my reading goals for……
I have a child who is very lovable. I call him #greatkid. He is the type that every parent would love to have. He is in grade one……
Good day! As I have mentioned on my first short blog post, I am fairly new here on the platform. I have read helpful posts about what……
The Love of Books I'm gonna start this blog to write about what I love most. BOOKS, I just love to read and on this blog I'm going……
Image credits: 'Books' by Ivy Sabado, via Canva.com Since writing reviews is something I do fairly often for the books I receive through……
Image credits: Books by jill111 via Canva.com NetGalley is a website I've been on since 2012, and over these past few years, it's……
Image credits: Photos by terimakasih0 and Unsplash via Canva.com Bookcrossing (whether the website itself, or the concept in general)……
Foggy morning filled with sunlight, Trickling slowly in. Kept aside for a day, Gloat for the year.……
Reading is a escape, and the opposite of escape; it's a way to make contact with reality after a day of making things up, and it's……
Image Credit: haraka via bitLanders Hi Peeps! Welcome to 2018! As my first blog this year, let’s talk about the……
Image Source: haraka via bitLanders Hi Peeps, in this blog I want to share another topic related to books and reading again - this……
Dreaming Through Reading Hi guys! It’s been a while since I last wrote my confession blog. I’ve been very busy with some……
The significance of this Major Arcanume is twofold: The SUN is associated with GOLD, it has its color, brightness and heat because……
I'm currently have a new book. It' called The Evil Genius. I'm looking forward to start reading it because it sounds kind of……
10 Signs You'concerning Probably Reading This Article Right Now Reading articles is something people take court combat upon the Internet.……
Time is very important need to follow the right time... love your life and family great work so when ever you go for shoping……
Today’s Special – Read A Book Day Hi How are you all? Are you busy, yes may be you are. But I was not; today also……
Yes, I know it.. the movie is not so good.. but if you really want to read a story that makes you think about life, I totally……
For a couple years I've been blaming it on lack of sleep and too much pressure from my job, but now I found out the real reason:……
Do you enjoy reading a good book? I sure do. Here are some of the most popular books out right now: 1. The Girl……
In the realm of learning and teaching children to read, one can feel overwhelmed at whether to let their children start reading at……
Today would have been Maurice Sendak's 87th birthday. I made my mother read his incredible book night after night after night.
Sharing with you the outline my fave self-help book:Simple ways to keep little things from taking over your life 1. Don't Sweat the……
I I am an avid fan of reading fan fiction. I don't know why but I am having a different world when I am reading those kind of……
So last week I finished reading the book fault in our stars by John Green! I have to say this is one of the most amazing books I have……
There are two types of receptive skills Listening Reading Reading Reading is of two types o Intensive reading o ……
This review was posted by myself on ciao http://www.ciao.co.uk/The_Heroin_Diaries_A_Year_in_the_Life_of_a_Shattered_Rock_Star_Nikki_Sixx__Review_6096503……
I originally posted this on my ciao account : http://www.ciao.co.uk/Marked_Kristin_Cast__Review_6096501 This book is based around……
I originally posted this on my ciao account : http://www.ciao.co.uk/Fallen_Lauren_Kate__Review_6096500 This Book is absolutely……
Lazy Summer FREE Kindle Book Promotions- 30 August to 1 September 2014 FREE Books for Children Mason Visits The Magical Universe……
Attenuation n Signal strength falls off with distance n Depends on medium ¨ Guided medium: reduction in signal strength……
Again, the book that I finished in two days. And I don't know a person who wouldn't overpower it in a short time. I am wondering,……
Do not read me because it is useless for you, to read me.It is useless as "someone singing in front of a "Donkey".Reading me is nothing……
THE MONTH OF RAMADHAN.... Sawm ( fasting) means to abstract. It is the 4th pillar of islam, & it is to refrain ourselfes from……
Dystopian literature as a genre has recently become very popular. I feel that it started with the success of the "Hunger Games" series.……
Libraries are the assemblages of books and other informational material. People come to libraries for reading books, newspapers, magazines……
The determination of percentage of sodium hydroxide in the given mixture by volumetric method. 8 grams of sodium hydroxide and sodium……
Books are the way of gaining knowledge. There are so many types of books that we read in our daily life like course books, novel books,……
Right mind and Wrong mind Upon reading the nice story Right Mind and Wrong Mind from Panchatantra, I felt happy and joyous, that s……
On reading the novel things fall apart by Chinua, I really felt unhappy and sad especially about the character of Okonkwo, that is……
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin Upon reading the" Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin" I felt happy and joyous, that's why;……
Upon reading the ideas of Louise .M Rosenblatt about a text, I felt happy and joyous that is why, I agree in his assumption……
I am working in filmannex from previous 6 months. I have learnt many things and gain a very good knowledge from filmannex by reading……
In the previous topics you read that doing all good deeds in the way Allah told you to do them to please Allah, is Ibadah. But,……
Improving Reading Skill Milad Zamani ……
15 or 20 years ago people chose a day for reading book and that day they gathered together and one of them read book and others used……
Today we talk about the educational problems that are occur in our society and our students should not get perfect education. And……
Every person has its own role in society. Similarly that person has its own effects on society due to which people get the effect……
At the beginning what does the word "language" mean? and why do we use it. many people would say that it is a stupid question but……
This will entirely depend on the nature of the appreciation and is also a question of tone. When writing fan mail, remember……
Letters to children should also be clear as possible. They should not patronize but neither should they use over complicated……
Comprehension means understanding something in all aspects. Most of us do not fully understand what we read. In order to be a good……
Books are best friends of people who want to give information about everything and show the world in the papers. In my last blog (Come……
The world nearly made you skip this article. Where I don’t really blame you. Who wants anything to do with the books when there……
We read for two reasons-for learning and for pleasure. If we have to learn something, our reading requires more attention. If we are……
aWanter is sesean very cold in the some contry. Thes mounth some student halliday for three mounth Thes three month is apporturnaty……
My name is haider nawaz and I am living in Peshawar city. Peshawar the heart of kpk is 172 kilometer away from the Islamabad.……
We are living in a world of social media. Social media has emerged as the most powerful mean of communication. As the statistics show,……
Beijing is finally cleaning up and taking charge in combating the incredibly polluted air throughout the densely populated city.……
It really was a tough task reading books worth 200+ pages in a week and preparing a detailed 30 minutes presentation covering major……
The first time I went to Afghanistan as a 19-year-old American college student, I fell in love. Even though I lived in a neighborhood……
I love reading stories about all of the crazy people or crazy situations in the world and I came across an individual that many……
I cried a little when I first read about the seven paintings that were stolen in October of last year in the Netherlands. I think……
It's been a while, but I'm back! Here's what I've been doing: Last Tuesday was my next-to-the-last Summer Reading Club for the……
Ramadan month is a holly month of Muslim; people in all over the world are fasting daily from the dawn to the vesper of evening. in……
This week has been busy. Last Tuesday I went to King Center in East Chicago to do caricatures for the Public Library's Summer……
Robots and I is a blog which will update its post on such topics as: robots, new tech, innovations, etc. Most of us (adults……
Last Tuesday I did caricatures for the East Chicago Public Library's Summer Reading Program for kids at the Pennsylvania Avenue Neighborhood……
Yesterday was one of the best days of my life. OK, I'm exaggerating a little, but yesterday I started my tour of caricature……
Introduction: This is the third in a series of Film Annex interviews with Nancy Hatch Dupree, the legendary American adventurer,……