Bookcrossing: Swap your books and let them travel!

Image credits: Photos by terimakasih0 and Unsplash via Bookcrossing (whether the website itself, or the concept in general)……
Image credits: Photos by terimakasih0 and Unsplash via Bookcrossing (whether the website itself, or the concept in general)……
The Power of Sharing Video Credits: Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs via YouTube Image credit: Sharon……
Image Credits: Hello everyone! I m pretty well and hope all of you are also good.……
Hello guys! I am back with another content. In this blog, I am going to put light on the festivals of Pakistan. Primarily this is……
Hellow Friends how are you . good morning friends love u all keep sharing with bitlander
Dailymotion is best video sharing website like youtube and i liked this website you try and write your review and buzz this blog and……
Hey Everyone as All of you know bitLanders is a Beautiful Social Platform Where you can Learn, Earn & Donate Charities. Many of……
Image courtesy of Image courtesy of As an online writer that embraces the reason for it, it……
Giving which is known as intentional transfer of something to others. And this year on December 1, 2015 #Giving Tuesday right give……
The Tools I Use For My Bitlanders Journey Introduction Since I joined Bitlanders, I have been searching……
I begin with name of Allah who is the most Rehman and raheem and who is the master of day and night Assalam-o-Alaikum First of……
Image courtesy of Nowadays, technology is fast and ever-changing; things tend to take a step forward as……
It was the height of the cyberutopian thinking in fashion at the time. It declared, “We are creating a world that……
I see a lot of short blogs here in Bitlanders. I don't know what's the limit but most of the time a one liner blogs posts is also……
Are you working a full time job like me? Question is, how will I find the time to blog professionally? If you think Blogging……
I really didn't aspire to be No. 1. It's my love for photography, writing and sharing my thoughts and experiences with my fellow netizens. ……
It's been 6 months ago since I registered here but it was only after a month when I've decided to try out the site. For……
I'm not sure when I exactly first signed up here in bitLanders. But I'm now in my 5 months stay here! I gained so much……
has taken the company into many categories of transportation, from simple car services for individuals through to courier deliveries.……
It just came to my attention that some of my friends are copying the images that I'm posting in this site. I myself is not against……
Check out this cool video showing the new site where you can share. If you inspire others, They might tip you in bitcoin or……
Sharing our blessings will always bring back more blessings . Huwag nating kalimutan na ang pamamahagi ng ating biyaya at kayamanan……
Just wanna let you know about these two; Influence and Sharing. No, I am not a Professional on this. But based on those posts……
Sharing photos privately Social networking sites like Facebook have made it easy to share andcommunicate online,……
Hello everyone, I want to share this information with you. There are so many social networks out there. If you are a freelance writer,……
According to SAS report, more than 2/3 or 69% of global consumers say recent events in the news have increased their concerns about……
This is my first time in this site and this is my first test blog. I am writing this blog just for knowing how this blog looks like.……
The Wonder of Giving and Sharing Many people think that the more a person acquires and owns, the more enriched his or……
77. The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don't define them, or ever seriously consider them as believable or……
good evening friends, Facebook has become more popular and now bubblews too. Some people are coming in face book with different……
Is it that someone ignored you, or made you feel stupid, or did they physically hurt you? Decide if you really care what that person……
Final account includes trading and profit and loss statement account and balance sheet. Trading and profit and loss statement: It……
Subscribers as what i believe and in the definition on the dictionary is a person who receives daily or regular publication which……
Here I'll told you that how I joined Film Annex and how I started work at Film Annex. One of my friend told me about the Film……
Hello, I'm Amar-e-Yasir Nike name is Amar Annex. Today I'm writing a blog to the name of new comers of Film Annex. Dear……
Films annex is an outstanding social media from where you can earn money by becoming its member.I have joined Film annex on March……
Mostly asked question by the members of Film Annex Community, “How to make our buzz score high”??? Film Annex, a social……
It is well said by someone that love and large hearted giving together can leave deep marks.Love refers to the emotions,feelings and……
El Buzz Button ha sido implementado en la plataforma de Film Annex para que los usuarios puedan hacer "Buzz" a el contenido……
Il Tasto Buzz è stato implementato sulla piattaforma di Film Annex in modo che gli utenti possano "buzzare" i contenuti che……
The Buzz Button has been implemented on the Film Annex platform so users can "buzz" the content they like, find interesting and relevant……
As I shared my information in my previous blog, so here I am going to write the rest part of vast information in my preceding blog.……
Film Annex is an online media that create an online space that gives its users the opportunity to filmmakers, authors and also those……
Aufgrund der kommenden technischen Merkmale von Film Annex wollen wir unserem Web-Entwickler Lorenzo Meriggi einige Fragen über……
Viste le nuove caratteristiche di Film Annex che verranno implementate prossimamente, abbiamo deciso di fare qualche domanda al nostro……
Based on the upcoming new features on Film Annex, we decided to ask some questions from our web developer Lorenzo Meriggi about the……
The "Land of Smiles" is not smiling right now. A country that is known for its beautiful natural scenery, rich historical heritage……
Sharing is amazing, indeed, it's bewildering or in other words, something really bigger. With the technology revolution, the concept……
I've been working on social media for a couple of years, but in no way I have the presumption to know it all. On the contrary, I still……
Everyone should know the ways of online success. Internet is a marketing medium. And it is the best way for people to solve their……
I have never been to Iceland, but I sure would love to spend some time in this intriguing country, in which steaming geysers and roaring……
When the youth of Tahrir Square overthrew Hosni Mubarak in February of 2011, the entire world celebrated with them. It was a……
Le civiltà perdute mi hanno sempre appassionato. Quando sono in viaggio, visitare i luoghi dove fiorivano antiche culture è……
I've always been passionate about lost civilizations. When I travel, visiting the sites where ancient cultures used to thrive is always……
Nowadays different things are in circulation about making money through internet all over the world. It is also true that you can……
Ever since I started using Film Annex as a digital platform to put my thoughts into written words, sharing on……
With so many conflicts going on in the world, I can only be excited about the new developments between Iran and the West.……
In my recent interview with the Annex Press at Film Annex's headquarters in New York City I described the……
品质是好生活和成功的关键。 就像您期望您所吃的食物品质和您所呼吸的空气品质是好的,您也应该期望在您的网站的观众品质或社交活动的品质是好的。在过去的几个月里,线上广告业已经开发了新的工具,用来监控用户品质和特定的人口资讯以匹配广告主的期望。在Film……
Il 1 gennaio 1863, il Presidente degli Stati Uniti Abraham Lincoln ha firmato il Proclama di Emancipazione, che ha posto……
On January 1st 1863 US President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, ending slavery in the United……
傳統線上廣告業(Online Advertising Industry)的工作原理是排阻。擁有數百萬觀眾的平台根據流量品質以過濾他們的用戶,並專注於表現最佳的用戶群。排阻系統到現在為止一直被採用,我們相信我們必須要積極主動地往前跨一步。……
Rischiare la propria vita per salvare quella di qualcun altro è probabilmente l'atto più eroico che un essere umano……
Risking your life to save another is probably the most heroic endeavor a human being can undertake. Risking your life to save 100……
Film annex has different parts, film making blogging, influence and sharing. Buzz score is a cause of revenue. Film making: You……
Il 24 Novembre 2013, l'Organizzazione per i Diritti Umani e la Democrazia in Afghanistan (Afghanistan Human Rights and Democracy Organization……
On 24-Nov-2013, The Afghanistan Human Rights and Democracy Organization (AHRDO) had a conference about Women’s issues in Kabul,……
Non sono mai stato in Afghanistan, né in Pakistan. Se da un lato la guerra in Afghanistan è andata avanti per trent'anni……
I have never been to Afghanistan, nor have I been to Pakistan. While the war in Afghanistan has been going on……
Immaginate di nuotare per 110 miglia, più o meno la distanza fra New York City e Philadelphia, più altre 13 miglia.……
Condividere sui social media significa distribuire o dare accesso ai tuoi contenuti tramite link (hyper-linking), foto, video e testo.……
Film Annex ricompensa tutti i filmmaker con gli introiti della pubblicità generati sui loro canali Web TV. Gli introti si basano……
Io sono un educatore ed in quanto tale sperimento ogni giorno ogni tipo di atteggiamento da parte dei miei studenti. È parte……
Sai quanto sei autorevole sul web? O su quali argomenti sei autorevole? Il BuzzScore di Film Annex serve proprio a questo, a scoprire……
I'm an educator, and as such I experience all types of attitude from my students on a daily basis. However, it's part of my job to……
品質是好生活和成功的關鍵。 就像您期望您所吃的食物品質和您所呼吸的空氣品質是好的,您也應該期望在您的網站的觀眾品質或社交活動的品質是好的。在過去的幾個月裡,線上廣告業已經開發了新的工具,用來監控用戶品質和特定的人口資訊以匹配廣告主的期望。在 Film……
In World of Technology where the Wide World has been changed to a small Room and merely by a Single Click can share their Emotions,……
When you hear a bad News from Magazines, TV Channel, Newspapers or Radio you can see the reaction of that News in the face of people……
Prima o poi, chiunque sia interessato alla cultura e alla storia dell'Asia Meridionale si imbatterà nella seguente domanda:……
Sooner or later, anybody interested in South-Asian culture and history will run across the following question: is it called Burma……
Education opens doors we thought would remain forever closed, and offers opportunities we thought were impossible. It's the key to……
Film annex, the most famous and familiar name which has activities in many countries across the world, is the greatest way and chance……
If there's one person in the world who's most responsible for my love for traveling, that would be my mother. Ever since she sent……
When I visited Cambodia in 2007, I didn't know that it would become one of the most emotional trips I had ever made. The genocide……
Freedom of speech and freedom of press represent two of the most important pillars of every democracy. If people are not allowed to……
Is blocking of YouTube in Pakistan right or wrong? You tube is a video sharing website owned by Google, where users can view, share……
فیلم انکس, این نام خیلی مشهور و مانوس که در اکثر کشورهای مختف جهان فعالیت……
Today we live in a "cyber society" filled with cool cyber cafes where we can surf the cyberspace in search for……
We've all been there- Trawled the internet for hours finding videos, be it for inspiration or just plain entertainment. Who can resist……
A few days ago a court in Saudi Arabia convicted four young men for "violating public morals". One of them was dancing naked on top……
Education represents the base of the development of all individuals and the society they will contribute to build. Lack of education……
In my life I've been fortunate to visit 45 countries. Whether I was there for 2 months or just a couple of days, they all have left……
I love trekking, and for a mountain-lover like me the Himalayas represent the top of the top. During the summer of 2012 I spent a……
Open the mouth and say your heart word. Don’t fear from anyone, from who’s that wishes to lock your mouth and makes an……
Bullying among teenagers is not a new phenomenon. It's been going on ever since kids were put together in a social setting for the……
NEWS RELEASE – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New York, NY: September 15, 2013 – In a week when most international news……
Wrestling is back. Oh yeah. After months of dispute with the International Olympic Committee and a vibrant social media campaign,……
Imagine swimming for 110 miles, roughly the distance between New York City and Philadelphia, plus another 13 miles. Now imagine doing……
Dear Syrians, It has been a long time since I spent 10 fantastic days in your country, but I remember them like it was……
Dear Egyptians,I've been eager to visit your country and its treasures since I first looked at pictures of the Pyramids of Giza as……
Before starting my university course, I was not on Twitter, Linkedin, other social media and had only athletics related Google results.……
After 4 weeks spent in Bolivia, I can't say enough about this country and its people. Except for the ocean (lost to Chile at the end……
ایک سال سے کم عرصہ سےمیں نے Annex Press کے لئےبلاگز لکھنا شروع کیاہےجوفلم میکرزاپنا……
Through googling, searching and some sharing, i found a few websites that provide pretty good quality of free sounds and music that……
Last June was very special in the life of a young judoka from Siena, Italy. Chiara Carminucci won the bronze medal at the European……
سوشل میڈیا نےانٹرنیٹ کےذریعے کمیونیکیشن کی کایہ ہی یکسربدل دی ـ اب ہم بےشمار……
لوگ بہت جلد بیرونی خلا میں فلم بنانے شروع کر دیں گے، ایسا لگتا ہے- بے شک سیٹ……
انڈونیشیاء Indonesia دنیا کاچوتھا بڑاگنجان آباد ملک ہےـ 238 لوگ Archipelago مجمع……
سوشل میڈیا ہمارے معاشرے کے ہر پہلوں میں پیھل چکی ہیں ـ مختلف شماریات کے مطابق……
When I was in high school I remember having twice a month a "computer class" that was part of our Physics laboratory curriculum. I……
Social media is permeating every aspect of our society. Social networking statistics show a steady increase in the number of people……
Mout Everest has been on the news quite a lot during the past few weeks, triggering debate after debate about the ethical dilemma……
Making money blogging is a reality. It has been for quite some time. It's one of the easiest and quickest ways to make money online……
When social media first appeared on the Internet, communication between people changed forever. All of the sudden we could instantly……
Rape is not just a normal felony. It's a crime of its own kind that should be assessed and judged separately from any other offense.……
Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. 238 souls live in this archipelago of over 17,000 islands, which……
Social media is actually a more developed phase of relations among individuals. Social networking is defined as a commonly agreed……
I just found out yesterday that my short film distributor, Ouat Media, decided they did not want to take on my latest short film Yellow……
Teamwork is the cement that keeps together the individualistic genius of multiple brains. Unanimously defined as "work done by several……
Less than a year ago I started writing blogs for the Annex Press, the media platform of Film Annex, a company that offers its website……
The social media campaigns have taken the business world by storm, regardless of the dimensions of the company that uses this publicity……
A writer is "a person who is able to write and has written something". The definition doesn't specify whether or not this happens……
Last Thursday we passed yet another Valentine's Day. Couples from all over the world celebrated their love in honor and memory of……
by Jasmine Davis A new documentary by female filmmakers Kristy Guevara-Flanagan and Kelcey Edwards explores female empowerment icon……
Filmmakers today don't have an easy job. Unless you're already recognized by Hollywood or institutions like Sundance, finding distribution……
Sharing on social media is no longer just a trend; it has become a lifestyle that creates communities of thousands or millions of……
Introduction: It’s always both thrilling and humbling to be face to face with a rock star. That feeling never goes……
Film Annex added the Tumblr sharing button to its platform to offer its users a better, more extensive sharing experience. Sharing……
Charles Pieper, one of our favorite animation filmmakers, visited our studio recently to do an interview. A talented stop motion animator……
Emily Soto is a renowned fashion photographer based in Southern California who now has 21 behind the scenes videos of her fashion……
This test includes questions about what sharing online means and how it affects Internet users. The test also asks specifics questions……
This is the Russian translation of a previously posted blog called Filmmaking on Film Annex. Film Annex награждает……
Read this post in Dari/Farsi (دری / فارسی). Read this post in Russian (Читайте этот блог на русском……
Do you know how influential you are on the web? Or what topics you are influential about? The Film Annex BuzzScore measures your influence……
Film Annex rewards all filmmakers with advertising revenues generated on their Web TV channels. The revenues are based on a scoring……
Read this post in Dari/Farsi (دری / فارسی). Read this post in Russian (Читайте этот блог на русском……
Sharing on social media refers to the act of distributing or providing access to content through posting links (hyper-linking), photos,……