My K-drama Blog

New Kdrama in 2015 Persevere, Goo Hae Ra K-drama (English sub) K-drama Shine or Go Crazy (English Sub) K-drama 2015: Hyde Jekyll,……
New Kdrama in 2015 Persevere, Goo Hae Ra K-drama (English sub) K-drama Shine or Go Crazy (English Sub) K-drama 2015: Hyde Jekyll,……
Inside the kitchen, sitting in front of the boiling water,My heart is boiling together with stress, and his voiceCuts my……
If you have been following this blog series, you will be aware that I am currently in the process of creating and adding sound effects……
I have recently finished the new full draft edit of Shine, complete with the new ending. The final few shots were taking a lot of……
Roughly one year ago, I began playing around with new ways to tell a story through filmmaking. The evolution of all of these experiments……
After Effects! It's good to see you again! It's been a while. So now that I have finalised the stories conclusion to my upcoming short……
After taking a much needed break from the production of Shine, I have returned to it with fresh ideas and motivation. I was always……
Recently I have been on a bit of a creative rut, struggling to develop ideas which has hindered the process of my latest film production……
After a lot of work on my film Shine I have decided to take a break from the production of it and come back to it at a later date.……
I have been busy teaching a film course for children for the last few weeks, so I have not been able to put as much time into my film……
At 3:00am last night I finished rendering the last shot of the film. So after 6 weeks of animating I now have a rough edit of Shine.……
Just a quick update this week. Things have been progressing very well with the animation of Shine and I am about to begin animation……
As I mentioned in my last blog, I was just finishing off storyboarding for the film. Now that storyboarding is complete, I have jumped……
After a long stint of writer's block, demotivation in my idea and battles with whether I want to continue this film's production,……
Here is my first Teaser clip for my latest film 'Shine' This technically is the first animation I have shown anyone so things aren't……
Shine: First Animation Attempts The overall design for my film Shine is coming together nicely and I have begun animating the……
This week I have been looking into ways in which I can turn my concept drawings (shown my previous blog - )……
I found I wasn't happy with the previous tests I had done, mostly in terms of the way they looked. I have since decided to design……
Recently I had the chance to continue experimenting with some different animation techniques to see what will work best for my next……
As the title may indicate, I have been busy doing some tests for my next film - Shine (working title). I have always wanted to create……