[Artificial Intelligence] AI Makes Us Better Humans - Debunking The Myth

Video credit VOA News via Youtube Image Credit Pixabay edited by Sofs Myths surrounding Artificial……
Video credit VOA News via Youtube Image Credit Pixabay edited by Sofs Myths surrounding Artificial……
So I've been hanging around Steemit more and because of some comments between AdGoggleKo and I at that site, I decided to write a……
I believe some of you have read my post about Steemit in 2016. I really disliked the site. And because of that, I "threw" my……
Do you know Steemit? Are you part of that site too? Whether you are or not, I will share some of my experience at that site. ……
How many electronic devices are there? We have created a huge amount of diverse electronic equipment necessary for our daily life.……
For how many weeks i'm in bitlanders, I still cannot understand how this social network works. Everybody is invited to comment...……
Image Credit: My Own Social Networks That Pay Thought I must share this with you guys: Before BlogJob suspended……
We'd all love to get paid for either doing nothing or for doing things we'd do anyway. The internet is full of sites offering……
My Social Networking Site PAYS me to Invite friends to join, to pm with them, to like, comment and share posts, to look at ads, and……
I am just playing around and testing some strategies on boosting my FANPAGE "Roman Rams - Entrepreneur" Roman Rams - Entrepreneur……
In this generation where social media has been growing, been providing users with fast and easy way of communicating to other……
Blog – A Sovereign Kingdom of Internet (Image Source: Google) What is Blog? If we keep the view of initial……
Today's blog is about my personal experience with this site - bitLanders. It all started when my brother, jjeeppeerrxx-beltran invited……
(Image source: google.com) We are living in an age where people are more social than ever before. Being social was started when human……
Jackson performing in 1988, during the Bad World Tour Born Michael Joseph JacksonAugust 29, 1958Gary, Indiana, U.S. Died June 25,……
TSU is a free social and a community website where you can post , share , like , follow , make friends for having chat but all of……
Bitlanders is an old trsuted social network. We know that Bitlanders is good for everyone, because everyone enjoys working on Bitalnders.……
BitLanders works by calculating your social engagement into a 'BuzzScore.' The BuzzScore is a competitive ranking from 0 to 100 that……
Cosplay: Costume Role Play (Performance Art) Cosplay is a……
INTERNET SPONSORSHIP The system which is commonly using now a day is the deal between user to user via computer system or in a digital……
Want to rank # 1 on bitLanders Leaderboard? Buy 1500 gems or Donate $100 to bitCharities from your OWN pocket (Bitcoin or Paypal).……
Reddit is removing several racist communities from its website, as well as other offensive discussion topics, part of an ongoing effort……
I blogged some thoughts about the state of the Tsu social network. I'm making some money there, but it's not growing as fast as I……
Meet Ily, a brand new take on personal communication between family members. Ily is a new connected device for your home as well……
Last July 2014, Bubblews upgraded their website. Since then I could not post my articles using my old Nokia cellphone. I then bought……
I've updated a blog post about the Tsu social network. As on Bitlanders you get paid based on your activity. They also have charities……
A few thoughts. Tsu has lots of possibilities for charities, tipping artists and buying goods. I don't see another social network……
Shona would give her soul to people. She would care the whole world for others but only in a certain way. She was a great friend.……
As the world moves from web to mobile, we’ve been thinking deeply about how people will discover mobile products and services……
I was checking my google drive account and found a document which was actually two years old and of which has been named as Google……
It's a social network whose developers are forward about the value of user-generated content. They empower users to……
Tsu looks quite different today. Lots of white seems to be a trend. Find me at http://www.tsu.co/steevc
3tags is a link sharing site. You seem to get a good rate per view and it pays out at $25. With this and Tsu you need to build a network……
This seems to be a common phenomenon in the last year or so. I'm on Tsu, which is pays out at $100 or you can donate to charities……
The a lot of friendly you're together with your adjacent neighbor, the a lot of you'll be ready to face up to the crisis once disaster……
BitLanders is an Influencer’s RPG (Role Play Game) designed in Italy and developed in New York City, an Ecosystem with……
Aku suka hampir semua jenis jejaring sosial , jangankan yang dibayar, yang gratisan juga aku suka,pada prinsipnya semua jejaring sosial……
Esta perrita llamada Miley, la husky que fue abandonada a su suerte en un vertedero de basuras, fue adoptada y tubo una……
It is now time to define social interaction. As previously discussed, behavior comes in many forms--blinking, eating, reading, dancing,……
ternyata memang asyik juga ya main disini, sebelumnya aku cuma menggunakan facebook saja temanku lumayan banyak disana……
jadi kalian sudah join tsu ya kalau iya ini mungkin sedikit tips buat kalian 1. upload photo profile & profile photo gunanya follower……
Social Media means to interact with people and to share ideas and views virtually on social networking platforms like Facebook, twitter,……
LibertaGia - New social network with earnings. 12.10.2013 started its activities and now has more than 2,500,000 people around……
New social network (reserve free stock) Each member of GlobAllShare who joins the social network during the phase of pre-organization……
Social Networking Sites Abbreviated as SNS a social networking site is the phrase used to describe any Web sitethat enables users……
Do you use Hashtags? How to use hashtags 1 - You can use hashtags in microblogs and comments, and as categories for videos and blog……
The world before social media... Do you remeber how was yur life without the social media? How can you spend your time and your work……
Explain Social Media with WINE In this infograph you can learn the difference between the most important Social Network with wine,……
Ecco il mio banner su Valdelsa Sportiva, quotidiano online della zona Empolese-Valdelsa, realizzato su Wordpress da me nel 2012. Questo……
Good morning Filmannex's users! Today we work to improve new important functionality to the social Filmannex.The road is still long,……
We are working for the new Filmannex. In this screenshot you can see the new userpage, with a big, customizable cover image. __________________________________________……
Facebook, the most famous social network that established by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004 is now well known for majority Afghans living……
Da ormai tre anni, il popolo siriano si è trovato catapultato all'inferno. Sono passati 34 mesi di scontri senza sosta... e……
Lavoro con i social media da un paio di anni, ma non ho in alcun modo la presunzione di conoscerli appieno. Al contrario, mi sento……
In una mia recente intervista con Annex Press tenutasi al quartier generale di Film Annex (New York City) ho……
Scrivendo quest'articolo darò fastidio ad alcune persone, ma non mi importa. Ho sempre sofferto dentro di me pensando al popolo……
Sai quanto sei autorevole sul web? O su quali argomenti sei autorevole? Il BuzzScore di Film Annex serve proprio a questo, a scoprire……
The 1st Decade of 21st Century: Today I am going some interesting information with Filmannex Community, about the remarkable and entrepreneurial……
Oggi per me è stata una giornata proficua. Ogni giorno che passa mi vengono presentate persone splendide ed interessanti. Ho……
Today we live in a "cyber society" filled with cool cyber cafes where we can surf the cyberspace in search for……
Quest'anno ho avuto la fortuna di coronare un piccolo sogno: ho partecipato per ben due volte in diretta a una trasmissione radiofonica……
An emerging technology company called Status Media has introduced a new social network called Buzr. It exists solely on mobile for……
Happy New Year to all of You! 2013 starts in NYC with an early presentation of Spring Summer fabric collections from all over the……
A little bit earlier today, I was asked an interesting question to answer, about the social media site LinkedIn. Before I address……
There are different concepts of the world. Traditionally, it's defined by geographic borders. Another concept sees it as the world……
Film Annex reaches over 40 million viewers a month. Here are the demographics and social networking statistics of Film Annex's young……
You understand how much veterans have to offer your company and why hiring them is good not just for your business, but for national……
In a speech at Fort Bliss on Friday, President Barack Obama announced a newly-signed executive order, which addressed access to mental……
Whether Klout and/or Kred are accurate in assessing social media influence and which one is more credible in the task is becoming……