Fotografie di Bruce Davidson ~ Pensieri sul mio ultimo acquisto da Strand Books New York City

Lo scorso weekend mi aggiravo nella stanza dei libri rari di Strand Book e non avevo la minima intenzione di tirar fuori la mia……
Lo scorso weekend mi aggiravo nella stanza dei libri rari di Strand Book e non avevo la minima intenzione di tirar fuori la mia……
This past weekend I was scouring the Strand Book Store's Rare Book Room with zero intention on pulling out my credit card for……
BY: Charlotte Delgrange Sometimes there is no destination, no place to attend, but even without the stage or dancing shoes, nothing……
ژانگ شن، یکی از بزرگترین سرمایه داران کشورچین است که تحصیلات خود را……
by: Keely-Shea Smith Why should we have to wait? It's a good question and in 2013, why should we? There is an app for everything.……
Fashion's Night Out 2012 was a huge success given the only measuring stick I could judge by, the immense volume of amazingly……