Script reading

I may not of had much level 6 crewing experience due to clashing time tables and other commitments but i did enjoy the small role……
I may not of had much level 6 crewing experience due to clashing time tables and other commitments but i did enjoy the small role……
Hi Guys!! Coming into my second week on working on other peoples films I found myself working amongst Caitlin Donaldson again in my……
I thought I’d share with you all an experience which I had when I applied for a job to work as a freelance video editor. ……
Dopo mesi di lavoro e di collaborazioni con molti altri filmmaker, artisti e designer, è finalmente arrivato il momento di……
After months of work and collaboration with many other filmmakers, artists and designers I am finally releasing my previous short……
Hello All!!!First of all apologies for my absence, not had the best of times in the last couple of weeks and needed some time away,……
So, here it is guys! A very personal film about the animal I love the most - cats! I'm incredibly happy with the result……
Here it is, the KINO EXPOSED FESTIVAL screened "How Things Should Be" is finally on Film Annex.I wrote a blog earlier explaining the……
It's been a while, Film Annex! Since my last post I've been on numerous shoots, edited my film and completed a report - it was such……