Folding@Home - Combatti le malattie con la Stanford University e dona potenza di calcolo!

Folding@Home Folding@home è un progetto degli scienziati della Stanford University volto ad analizzare il complesso processo……
Folding@Home Folding@home è un progetto degli scienziati della Stanford University volto ad analizzare il complesso processo……
Folding@Home Folding@home is a project by Stanford University scientists that analyzes the complex process of protein folding.……
Filantropia Digitale Crediamo che la filantropia digitale consista nel promuovere il benessere delle persone e del pianeta con la……
Digital Philanthropy We believe digital philanthropy is promoting the welfare of people and planet, with technology - while creating……
We’ve all heard about the infamous Stanford prison experiment either from friends, teachers, parents, books, or movies……
One of our most beloved and well-known billionaires in the United States is the chairman of Nike that is, Phil Knight. Knight……
I love reading about the latest news in the world of robotics especially when it comes to the high stakes competitions and challenges……