Diarios de un Baterista

biendo la coyuntura que existe en los medio de comunicacion pues me parece que es una reverenda estupidez ver TV en estos tiempo ya……
biendo la coyuntura que existe en los medio de comunicacion pues me parece que es una reverenda estupidez ver TV en estos tiempo ya……
There have been many inventions of science for purpose of entertainment of men. We have radio, cinema, T.V and many other items.……
We know that the pollution is very harmful for living organisms. All living organisms are very important and if we want to end noise……
The nba season is starting very soon, and it seems like every one is hype and can't wait for the first game. A lot of the teams……
We can all agree that the Super Bowl is one of the greatest traditions in America with all of its glitz, glamour, tailgating,……
In a time when fast-food is everywhere with the golden arches of McDonald’s around the corner and the king of Burger King……
Filmmaker Lisa Stock and photographer and 3D artist Connie Toebe recently released The Weeping Woman, a shadow puppet film they collaborated……