Le donne nell'imprenditoria e nella tecnologia alla conferenza Invent Your Future a Silicon Valley

La scorsa settimana ho partecipato all'evento Invent Your Future Enterprises a Silicon Valley. È stata una grande opportunità……
La scorsa settimana ho partecipato all'evento Invent Your Future Enterprises a Silicon Valley. È stata una grande opportunità……
Last week, I participated in the Invent Your Future Enterprises event in the Silicon Valley. It was a great opportunity for me to……
今天, 于9月15号,麦克斯威尼(Mike Sweeney) 发布了这个推特: 我们每个人都有不同的动机,这是我的动机 @SurfersHealing……
Women's Annex 的任务之一是寻找合适的内容以教育和培养发展中国家的年轻女性和男性,使他们可以实现自己的梦想和职业。……
"Management is doing things right; Leadership is doing the right things." peter drucker When you think of the term Thought Leader……
今天, 於9月15號,麥克斯威尼(Mike Sweeney) 發佈了這個推特: 我們每個人都有不同的動機,這是我的動機 @SurfersHealing……
Women's Annex 的任務之一是尋找合適的內容以教育和培養發展中國家的年輕女性和男性,使他們可以實現自己的夢想和職業。……
Today, Mike Sweeney sent out this tweet: We all have different motivations, and here is mine @SurfersHealing @izzypaskowitz……
Michael Sweeney of Target Marketing Annex recently interviewed Fereshteh Forough, Film Annex’s Liason to Central……
Why is film production so important? And I am not talking about Hollywood productions now. I would like to talk about online film……
I have started my week with a great news from Afghanistan. Afghanistan National Institute of Music has a tour in the USA and on February……
New York, NY, January 10, 2013 – Film Annex has launched WomensAnnex.com as a self-sustaining digital platform and ecosystem……
I have been fortunate to meet Fred Sweet many months ago through email and phone conversations, and finally in person at the La Jolla……