Image Source: Google If we go through the reason of celebration of Thanksgiving Day, we come to know that the main purpose of celebrating……
Metro bus is the lovely gift of Turkish people. Turks are the only nation in the World whose……
t Turkey and Pakistan are two such Islamic states where military forces have occupied the state’s administration……
Authorities in Istanbul have banned transgender and gay pride marches this month, citing security concerns after ultra-nationalists……
With the help of our representative Aysun Aktac and the group Minik Kalplerin Umudu Olmaya Varmısın. The children in several……
16oz Lasanga Noodles 1lb of 99% extra lean ground turkey 14 oz of Fat Free Mozzarella Cheese 16 oz Low Fat Tomato Sauce Place in oven……
BEGINNING OF THIRD WORLD WAR? After weeks of clashes, war between the two nuclear powers seemed right around the corner. Americans……
Commuter ferries are operating since 1851. Its name is 'Vapur' in Turkish. Boats have traversed the waters of the Bosphorus for millennia……
Ottoman Era Public Kitchen Offers Free Meals to Refugees Several foundations and organizations are increasing the number of donations……
James Bond's first Istanbul journey - From Russia With Love (1963) Sean Connery (Brtisish spy 007 James Bond) and Daniela Bianchi……
James Bond's first Istanbul journey - From Russia With Love (1963)Sean Connery (Brtisish spy 007 James Bond) and Daniela Bianchi (Soviet……
When you come visiting Turkey, no matter which place in special, you will be overwhelmed by a kind of hospitality you never experienced……
When you come visiting Turkey, no matter which place in special, you will be overwhelmed by a kind of hospitality you never experienced……
The mentality of Turkish hospitality is, whatever religion you are from, whichever country you come from, whatever language you speak,……
2016 UEFA EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP also known as UEFA EURO 2016 is going to commence from 10 June 2016 to 10 July 2016. The event……
How to cook a Turkey The problem with cooking up a Thanksgiving turkey is that there are not many possibilities to practice.……
The recently tensions between Russia and Turkey is increasing, KT McFarland, Fox News National Security Analyst and Hudson Institute's……
A Timeline History of US Involvement in the Middle East The Mainstream (State-controlled) Media has been selling the idea that……
Turkey enters mourning after Ankara blasts killed almost 100 Turkey is beginning three days of mourning after two blasts at a peace……
Cappadocia is a historical region in Central Anatolia, largely in the Nevsehir, Kayseri, Aksaray, and Nigde Provinces in Turkey. Cappadocia……
" WANDER IN TURKEY " is one of Hang gab Lee travel series video.He really like having no plans when he is in unfamiliar……
Last week I visited the zoo alone without friends. According to them, Zoo is only for children not for adults like us feeling bored……
Wonderful Turkey Places Photography By John, A mesmeric mixture of the exotic and therefore the familiar, Turkey is way……
Turkey, production of vehicles updated! - Production in December was total 120,593 units. - Production volume from January to December……
This recounts my first and only Thanksgiving in the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave. It was 2004. It was the first time……
T ... Turkeys, table-spreads, being together,H ... Happiness and homes to protect……
Let's remember the reason why we need to celerate thanksgiving! And Let's thank everyone for making us laugh, cry and be human! ……
An easy Turkey Stuffing (or dressing, if you prefer) recipe that you will want on your table this year,……
Each year I try to make a new, and wonderful Autumn or Thanksgiving themed cupcake. There's been these turkey……
Here's the next round of Inktober Post-it Note drawings I've drawn over the last few days. I do at least one drawing……
Turkey has to decide which is a bigger threat or both? ISIS is attacking PKK controlled Kobane, just 1 mile away!Turks will have to……
Today my blog is about the latest currency known as bitcoins The coins of bitcoin was gold based currency and the rate of ths currency……
Freedom From The Elites One thing that I would eradicate from this world to make it a better place, given this topic to write……
Turkey is one of the richest places in the Middle East. The places of interest are mainly NEMRUT: Place of Giant Sculptures, AMASRA:……
As these compounded problems do not any augur well for the Pakistan so the programmatic approach towards the issues is badly required.Rational……
History of Fourteen Points Things happened much as Jinnah predicted. The khilafat movement died when Kemal Ataturk abolished the caliphate……
Mountains of Africa The most important……
Tigris and Euphrates are often called Twin Rivers. The oldest civilization of human history was started here in Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia……
Timor was a Tatar Turk, born in AD 1336. His father was the ruler of small tribe. Timor was still a child when his mother died and……
Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) In……
Korea and Japan, 2002: For the very first time world cup held in continent of Asia. And it……
Four days ago one of my uncle sent his pictures to us in which he was visiting an Australian museum. I was dumbfounded to see the……
turkey has raised it is prohibit from you tube , 8 weeks right after preventing access to the actual video-sharing web site. This……
Middle East is the name given to the Muslim countries of southwest Asia, north Africa and southeaster Europe. Many of these countries……
Although it seems quite far-fetched, and although I may be raising a few eyebrows world-wide, it seems odd and unusual that to date,……
Repablioc of Armenia ,a little country located in Caucasus ,country has 29 thousand square kilometer area……
Sultan Ahmad mosque is situated in Istanbul the largest city of Turkey and this city is also capital of ottoman……
Sultan Ahmad mosque is situated in Istanbul the largest city of Turkey and this city is also capital of ottoman empires from 1453……
In November 2013 I was executive producer and project manager on documentary film project working in the beautiful city of Cappadocia.……
Teacher day is one of those days in the world, which is celebrated by different countries at different dates. The objective……
By convention historians place the early modern period between c.1500 and c.1800 following the Late Middle Ages. The beginning of……
Hossam Ghaly : He was born on December 15 , 1981 in Kafr El-Sheikh in Egypt . He started his early career in the best team in Egypt……
Resources and factors given by the Almighty Allah are helpful in production of wealth and provision facilities of life are called……
كانت التحديات التي تواجه المسلمين وبقية العالم النامي من القرن ال 18 وال19……
Do you watch or participate in your local communities Turkey Bowl? What is a Turkey Bowl you ask? It is when a group of people come……
In view of these objectives Pakistan had to develop close relations with the Islamic world. Pakistan and Iran Iran, a Muslim country,……
Geographically Pakistanis situated in South Asia. In Asia, Its geographical position made it much more important. In its east,……
Who’s ready for Turkey Day? I know I can’t wait for that juicy Turkey breast (unless you’re a leg fan), creamy……
Heard for a while with a new fad hybrid dessert for New Yorker calling it Cronut! The Cronut's creator, french pastry chef Dominique……
Women's rights and freedom of expression are a common topic for human rights advocates, intellectuals and politicians from every part……
These days, we are experiencing more revolutions and protests fighting for political change across the globe but not by the……
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Ekonomi Bakanlığının websitesinde yayınladığı rakama göre 2012 yılının Haziran ayının sonuna Türkiyede……
Get ready for some fresh fall fruits and vegetables coming our way starting next month! I’m stoked for some of my favorite……
If you’re looking for a tongue twister, say the headline five times really fast! After we’ve wiped off the spittle from……
I met with a couple of my friends yesterday and we were discussing some plans for the future regarding vacations. You know how that……
On May Day 2013, the police poured a lot of gas on thousands of Turkish people. What was the reason? The answer is hidden in the heart……
It is not war yet, but Turkey and allies have determined this time to respond differently and open the door to potential military……
After recent talks between Greek and Turkish Cypriot leaders consistently underperformed expectations and recent oil/mineral finds……
Perhaps Palestinians or Middle East peace are not his first priority but US standing as diplomatic power should matter to someone……
As she has done in so many other situations, from Bosnians ethnically cleansed, to displaced in Ecuador to African migrants in Italy……
“Six weeks ago, in visiting the memorial at Srebrenica, I said I did not want my successors to apologize years from now for……
Judgment, critical assessment, and courage to face the truth are necessary to make constructive societal changes to further……
From a recent interview by Jordan’s King to the UN Refugee agency (UNHCR) the record of deliberate targeting of refugees……
If personal success/fame and endorsements are the measure, then Usain Bolt or Michael Phelps are biggest winners still. However,……
Geert Wilders, was welcomed as “our brother who loves God and loves freedom.” The Dutch connoisseur of hate joined the……
Kofi Annan has now given it a name and sent out invitations for this high-level and perhaps last ditch conference to pull a political……
Turkey can invoke NATO’s mutual defense pact under Article V in what is now a direct military confrontation with the……
UNSG Ban Ki-moon has concluded that there is not enough progress in talks between the two Cyprus leaders to move forward toward an……
Iran’s nuclear program was the subject but it was really more about what talks would follow the resumption of negotiations this……
April Fool’s Day is not an inspiration when the Assad regime and its allies have managed to stretch the credulity……
Alexander Downer, the Secretary-General’s Special Adviser on Cyprus, will brief the UN Security Council this Thursday (March……
Best possible now is a rather vaguely worded “Presidential Statement” by UNSC rhetorically endorsing the Koffi Annan Mission as……
The second fashion film to be added to their Web TV Film Channel, 'Wanted' by director Ozer and producer Ezel Domanic from……
We're very excited to showcase 'The Birth' a masterful creation from Turkish producer Ezel Domanic and director Ozer. This surreal……
The Teen International Shorts FestivalFebruary 8th – 11thThe Teen International Shorts Festival has been more of a project towards……
By look of Photo – needs more “bonding”! Someone must have called it Turkish instead of Greek Coffee or perhaps Greek instead……