
Outline: 1. Introduction2. Standard3. Causes of Downfall4. Remedies Introduction: “Education is the third eye of a man”……
Outline: 1. Introduction2. Standard3. Causes of Downfall4. Remedies Introduction: “Education is the third eye of a man”……
Well,til I know what this is all about,remember everyone,give love receive love :)
This is for Married couple credit: youtube
Praise and Worship
There are some things that money cannot buy... We hardly notice we’re doing it, although some of us do it often. We get mad……
My higher self: Eats an organic plant-based diet, full of ormus, enzymes, probiotics, jing, vitamins, algae, and minerals. Is……
Graduation Wisdom for All! Use what you have learned - Each day life offers us experiences that help us to grow. Sometimes……
Kandagupta was a famous saint. He lived in the outskirts of Maninagar which was the capital of Manipur Kingdom. There were very few……
SUCCESS IS NO ACCIDENT. It is hardwork, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all love what you are doing. -Pele……
Deep thoughts in the skin care aisle ……
The Seven Cardinal Rules For Life 1. Learn from the past and forget it.Make peace with your past so that it won't disturb your……
Pennsylvania: Research has revealed that the eye may affect the pattern of wisdom teeth can treat disease. American University's research……
A Hymn of Praise to God I would like to share this passages from the Holy Bible. It is from Jeremiah 51:15-19 which is a hymn……
In a previous interview, Michael Casey set his insight on how he views Cryptocurrency's influence on the lives of financially……
Photo by Christine Cain The following……
For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge……
We didn’t have to learn these lessons when we were growing up.This should be posted in every school or kid’s bedroom.……
Reaching Your Goal In Life 56. First, have a definite, clear practical ideal; a goal, an objective. Second, have the necessary……
A little girl and her father were crossing a bridge.The father was kind of scared so he asked his little daughter: "Sweetheart,……
MY 13TH POST......!!! Pakistan need a reformer, revivalist, a Mujahid, visionary, thinker, idealogue ! Iqbal Baba gives you……
By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by……
The previous episode From Egypt to America This episode is about starting up a business, having integrity……
The previous episode An Act of Kindness By 1936 our character enters boarding school with his brother in……
This world was made on the basis of love. God loved Muhammad (P B U H), so he made this world. Not only Prophet Muhammad (P B U H),……
If you elect to live in ignorance you have elected fear.May I explain? You do not fear what you know as the truth. You fear……
This is the third part of my blog . In my previous blog i have told the story of farmer which is deprived of wisdom and luck is with……
One day wisdom starts fighting with luck . Wisdom says "There is no importance of a man without me". You said rubbish said the luck……
Knowledge and awareness produce sense, wisdom and mankind in every human being and make him polite and civilized. In old age people……
The previous episode Two for One In Beirut the family lived near the sea in a district called Ras Beirut.……
BIRBAL AND THE THUG Akbar was a great Mughal Emperor. He was born in 1542 and died in 1605. akbar was a lad of thirteen when his father……
The previous episode Good from Bad One of the first things about the son/ main character that struck me was his……
The previous episode - Sacrifices Days later with tickets from Francesco, I was given the opportunity to……
I have heard that it is enhancing to save time; I will read and write no man will be increased. But I must say I do in fact do the……
The previous episode - The Beginning of the Father’s Journey By 1904, he had made a fortune. That……
“Meditation teaches us to focus,” says Steven Hartman, director of professional training at the Kripalu Health and Yoga……
QUAID-I-AZAM ( THE FOUNDER OF PAKISTAN ) Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah ( The founder of Pakistan ) who was born on 25th Dec,……
I want to express my sincere appreciation to RUMI AWARDS for recognizing me with the best Visual Effects Award. I am truly humbled……
Advertisement plays a very important part in modern business and industry. That is why it is becoming more and more technical and……
There is a very famous book by the Greek philosopher Plato describing the trial of his teacher, Plato's teacher Socrates called the……
Hello, everyone! Today I would like to say special THANKS to my brother Fred Kurzh (FAMusicTV) and Thomas Courtney (Models Web TV)……
Hi Everyone!I have a little personal project well on the way at the moment. For any of you that saw my blog "You are Beautiful", you……
Wisdom is not something concrete or touched or smelled rather it is something seen and tested through the life……
Alfred Hitchcock's definition of happiness - "A clear horizon...nothing to worry about on your plate...only things that are……