IF You Feel Sad ...

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If you feel sad, run into a certain room, shut the door and shout. Let the sadness radiating outward, be firmly locked it in any way possible. Stashed it somewhere other than your mind is how good one!

If you feel sad, more than ever, eat, eat more, drink, drink a lot. Do any of what you like, so long, will be fine for the "head" of you! Because life is more fun, rather than how you chose kept wondering about her sadness.

If you feel sad, let the wind blow it away to help you with the quick release bike on quiet streets. Sadness suddenly comes to you, you also have the right to pursue it. Conversely, you can also walk slowly, to relax your mind as possible. Retreat, you will see how beautiful life.

If you feel sad, just crying out loud. Tears will help you wash away all your troubles bring you more comfortable feeling. But weak cry and cry makes you stronger. If possible, go cry tears dry, let the sadness that goes well on losing it.

There is no remedy, or medicine or cough can dissolve sadness. More than ever, only you can be the most effective remedy to help yourself happier. Tuberculosis in life and forget everything they can to help you settle more than that!

From past to present, I do have one where the definition of sadness? And what anyone give a specific boundaries of sadness where? Only you who think it is sad huh! Sometimes it's fun to be the other's sorrow. So let's think of another way to think - let alone to guide the public to think more positively!
There is sadness has become something of the past, then let the past be sleeping, do not wake it up. Past - Present - Future makes the value of a human being but not so tight that you just forced yourself at a certain point of "life graph" of human life is to look to the future that .

And one more thing, I have not talked to you is: When you feel sad, come with me, maybe I would not be happy to assist you immediately. But I believe, when sadness is shared will help you alleviate that part! I promise I will come to you whenever you need to, will soothe you in any way possible in my range.
Do not forget to call me when you need to, okay! Come up and smiled received life colorful way!

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