The Role of Therapists in Treating Mental Health Problems

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Mental health is a controversial topic because of the stigma associated with it. Some people immediately think that if you suffer from a mental illness, you are just making things up or you are crazy. This cannot be farther from the truth. Mental illness is a very real condition and people suffering from it need help, not judgement.

Types of Mental Illnesses

Mental illness can be broken down into different classes.

  • Neurodevelopmental disorders
  • Schizophrenia spectrum
  • Bipolar disorders
  • Depressive disorders
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorders
  • Dissociative disorders
  • Panic disorder
  • Eating disorders
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Paranoia
  • Psychosis
  • Impulse control and addiction disorders
  • Stress response syndromes
  • Somatic symptom disorders
  • Tic disorders

Treatments for Mental Illnesses

Mental illness is treatable. In fact, many people have successfully recovered from a type of mental illness or two. However, since there are many contributing factors to the development of each disorder, it is often difficult to determine how or when an individual will get better. There are several treatments available for mental illness. However, the approach may vary depending on the severity of the patient's case.

Some of the treatments available are:

  • Psychotherapy
  • Medication
  • Community support programs

What is Psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy, also known as talk therapy, refers to a wide range of treatments that aim to help people suffering from mental health problems. This approach provides patients with someone to talk to. Therapists can help you understand your feelings, such as what makes you feel positive, depressed, or anxious.


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Psychotherapy can be used to address a wide variety of problems, such as depression, addiction, low self-esteem, and even family issues. It stems from the idea that voicing out your emotions and thoughts can bring you clarity and may even cause a positive change in your emotions. So, if you are feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope with your problems, know that you can always talk to someone who cares about your mental health.

A typical psychotherapy session lasts for about 1 hour a day and is usually conducted once a week. It also follows a carefully structured process. The whole therapy may only last for only a few sessions or a few months, depending on your needs and progress.

When combined with medication, talk therapy is a powerful tool in treating schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.


Benefits of Talk Therapy

Talk therapy is a popular form of treatment for many mental illnesses because of its many benefits, such as the following.

  • It helps alleviate your psychological and emotional symptoms.
  • It reduces the entrenchment of psychological problems.
  • It provides guide and support while you resolve your personal issues.
  • It encourages you to make positive changes with your personal life.
  • It provides you with a professional opinion and objective perspective regarding your problem and what might be causing it.


Final Thoughts

The mind is probably the most delicate part of the human body. The compassionate mental healthcare providers at BetterHelp know this and are more than willing to assist you achieve a healthy state of mind. You can visit their website for more details on how they can help you at


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