Francesco Rulli - Web TVs

Uploaded on Thursday 29 September 2011


Francesco Rulli talks about Web TVs

《YouTube vs Web TV's @ Film Annex - money, traffic, community.....》
Every registered user gets a proprietary Web TV channel on Film Annex that they can curate and generate revenues on. The Film Annex user-friendly design enables a user to add movies and blog posts to your channels, making them personal and interactive. Film Annex gives filmmakers the ability to:
1. Make money with their films,
2. Promote their films, and
3. Create a "Community" around their films.
Here Francesco Rulli talks in detail about the value of Web TV's for filmmakers including the ad networks $4.0 million per month in inventory and the Film Annex audience traffic of 1.0 to 1.5 million viewers per day.

《YouTub vs. Film Annex的网络电视 - 赚钱,流量,社群.....》
每位Film Annex的注册用户都可以免费拥有一个专属的Film Annex网络电视频道,用户可以策展管理自己的网络电视和利用它产生收入。Film Annex友好的用户介面设计,用户可以添加电影和博客文章到频道里,以增加网络电视的内容和互动性。在Film Annex 电影平台的网络电视里,电影制片人可以:
在这里,Film Annex 的创始人兼总裁-弗朗切斯科鲁利(Francesco Rulli)详细讨论了Film Annex的网络电视给于电影制片人的价值,包括每月广告网络400万美元和Film Annex每天100万到150万的观众数量。


Language: English

Length: 1:00

Country: United States

Creative Commons License

Francesco Rulli - Web TVs by bitLanders is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.