The Poet (Il Poeta)

Uploaded on Thursday 9 February 2012


"The Poet (Il Poeta)" is one of the movies in the Official Selection of ÉCU 2012. "The poet" is a short film that deals with the art humiliated in the contemporary world. The poet lives, works, falls in love and, above all, he writes his poems. What work he does to survive? How's he organized his life and most importantly, how he feels?
"The Poet (Il Poeta)" est un film de la séléction officielle 2012 à l'ÉCU. "Le poète" est un court métrage qui traite avec l'art humilié dans le monde contemporain. Le poète vit sa vie, il travaille, il tombe amoureux et, surtout, il écrit ses poèmes. Quel travail qu'il fait pour survivre? Comment est-il organisé sa vie et, surtout, comment il se sent?


Language: Italian

Length: 0:18:30

Country: Italy