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Mi superhéroe

Bryan Gaeta

En este texto voy a describir el hroe que he creado . Su nombre es Miranda , y es un robot sin piel . La compaa WE! cre un nuev…

by bryan-gaeta

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My Own Superhero

Bryan Gaeta

In this text i'll describe the hero that i created. Her name is Miranda, and is a skinless robot. The WE! company created a new ty…

by bryan-gaeta

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Bryan Gaeta

My school I thing my school is very efficient, cause the vibe and the environment is peaceful, relaxing and its pretty. I like my …

by bryan-gaeta

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My Mexico

Bryan Gaeta

I thing Mexico is... the greatest country in the world, is the place that i love for ever, rich in food and other things, beautif…

by bryan-gaeta

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