
A teacher to be a teacher because of the pupil. Remember, when the student is ready, the teacher appears. Seorang guru menjadi gur…
A teacher to be a teacher because of the pupil. Remember, when the student is ready, the teacher appears. Seorang guru menjadi gur…
Yang Anda percayai tidak lebih penting daripada siapa yang Anda percayai. Mario Teguh #MTGW - Sugesti Sukses…
Be thankful. There are friends who do not have what you have, but happier than you. Bersyukurlah. Ada temanmu yang tidak memiliki…
Say Aamiin or Like, if you want MARRIED IN 2015 !!! I hope you plan to get married in 2015 went smoothly, full of fun, in love and…
Fair hell I'm jealous, but after I thought about it, You do not really I cemburuin pantes. So, goodbye! Wajarnya sih aku cemburu, …
Be careful with those who easily swore. Because, people who honestly do not see the need to swear to make others believe in the sa…
Do not imitate people who desire great, but lazy and procrastinate too big favorite, and complain its too exciting. Today sincere …
If you follow marahmu, you will arrive at your remorse. If you follow your smile, you will arrive at your happy. Jika engkau meng…
Tuhan mendahulukan kepentingan orang yang sakit hati, tapi bersabar dan tetap memelihara kebaikan bicaranya. Mario Teguh…
Peace it feels like falling slowly from the sky, through the soft clouds towards the earth green and lush with plants and gardens …