Browse all shivani-shah-3256's Blog Posts

Clay go

Shivani Shah

We have this policy in our pantry as clean as you go. But since sometimes, maybe just a rebel to the pantry staff, other agents ju…

by shivani-shah-3256

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Little treats

Shivani Shah

Do you guys treat yourself at times? Like buying things you like, eating at restaurants you want to eat, going on places you dream…

by shivani-shah-3256

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Pretty Man

Shivani Shah

What?! The Korean drama Filipino dubbed Pretty Man, also know as Beautiful Man, now just have one week to be aired? Time is so fas…

by shivani-shah-3256

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Shivani Shah

Hey guys! How are you? What are you doing today? Me I am eating ripe papaya fruit today. Earlier this morning in the office my wor…

by shivani-shah-3256

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