1. Soto lamongan Cak Har

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Surabaya culinary first place we will discuss is a tourist spot flagship menu is a soup Lamongan, this would correspond to the name of a culinary Surabaya this one that Soto Lamongan Cak Har. Uniquely Lamongan soup are served in Surabaya This is the culinary offerings at present with soto soup broth bersantan which of course has a more savory flavor and creamy.

Surely you will be given a lot of options like start of claw chicken, chicken, chicken bowel and brutu. Everything you can choose the soup culinary Surabaya Lamongan Cak this har. If you want to try the savory taste of a culinary at this Surabaya please come to the Ir. Sukarno, Surabaya.

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