10 Ways Thickens Thinning Hair Loss Due to Natural Operations

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Hair health is to be considered because the hair is one of our crown as a human being. This means that the hair is a very valuable asset. Many people who complain because of hair loss due to fall out even (sorry) cause baldness. For men, this probably is not a problem that is too big, because the bold sometimes men still look cool. Just imagine if a woman bald? Instead of bald, with hair tipispun sometimes a woman feel confident when performing in front of lots of people. I'm sure you also do not want it to experience it? Therefore, do prevention from now so that you do not regret later. To cope with thin hair and loss, first you have to know what the cause of your hair tips and fall out? for more details, let's go read




1. Overcoming Thinning and Loss Due to Lack of Vitamin A
If the cause of your thinning hair and loss due to lack of vitamin A, you can consume foods that contain a lot of carotene such as carrots and papaya.

2. Treat Thinning and Loss Due to Infection Caused By fungus / bacteria
To solve this problem you also might already know, way is to maintain the cleanliness of your hair and scalp. But in addition you can also use the drug on the condition should consult a specialist in the art that the treatment that you can do more effectively.

3. Overcoming Thinning and Loss Due Genetic Factors / Descent
If the cause of your thinning hair due to genetic factors, it is more difficult, but we can still melkukan quiet effort by using some natural ingredients such as aloe vera, leaf spinach, walnut oil, or hair tonic to strengthen your hair.

4. How Thickens Hair With Aloe Vera
Aloe vera contains a substance called Aloe vera is beneficial as a natural hair conditioner for mepertebal and make your hair so shiny. It is very easy that provide 1/4 cup aloe vera gel and then apply on the hair roots and scalp while doing massage-massage gently around the head and hair. After that, let stand for approximately one to two hours, after which you can clean it with warm water. Do this regularly, even if you have thick hair aim to maintain the health of your hair.

5. How Thickens Thinning with Egg White
Eggs which we know commonly used as food to accompany the rice when we eat, it is also beneficial to increase the volume of your order rabut thicker and prevent hair loss. The trick, first you have to rinse your hair with water until your hair damp. After that, you have to separate you puith eggs and egg yolks. Once separated, whisk the egg white and the egg puith apply on your hair and scalp until evenly distributed. Let stand for about 1-2 hours. After that you can clean with cold water. To eliminate the stench of egg puith you can use your normal shampoo.

6. How Thickens Hair with Henna
What's henna? possible to henna you already know, henna is commonly used henna for coloring nails. Well, henna can also dignakan as a natural hair conditioner that can make your hair berilau and become thicker. The way we can mix henna with water puith, not too thick and not too thin. After that you paste on the hair and scalp. Then let stand for 1-3 hours after you rinse it with warm ait. Do this at least 1 month.

7. How Hair Thickening with Onions
Who says only the onion can be used for cooking hehe. Onions also can make the hair becomes thicker because onions can stimulate hair growth. You do this simply by brushing-rubbing onion on your scalp. Leave 15 minutes, then rinse using a shampoo, to remove the smell of garlic on your head.

8. Maintain Kebersihkan Hair and Head To Maintain Healthy Hair
As already explained above that one of the causes of thinning hair is due to hair loss and hair loss is caused by bad bacteria or fungi. Fungi and bacteria exist as a state ktor hair and your head and less clean. Therefore you should wash it regularly to keep your scalp clean and protected from fungi and bacteria

9. Avoid Stress or You Will Hair Loss and Thin
Well anyway, is what to do gan thin hair and loss with the stress? research may not yet exist that justify this, but you could see the people who are too many thinkers usually hair loss even bald (sorry). Therefore, if you have a problem it is better not too difikirkan hehe. Do not believe? tuh see Albert Einstein hehe (Oops sorry ya om einstein, not me who says wakakak)

10. Thickens Hair Doing massage the neck
Doing massage the neck can facilitate the circulation of blood to the head which can be beneficial to stimulate the growth of your hair. Eiitss ... but must remember to do massage on the neck only with people who already hostage in order, do not do their own fear things happen that are not desirable hehe.

About the author


Hello,my name is Gungputri I love to learn some thing new in my life to get more experiences

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