12 Pictures Of The Majestic Trango Tower Of Pakistan – Would You Dare To Climb It?

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Located in Gilgit Baltistan, these granite spires pierce the air above the Baltoro Glacier in the subrange of the Karakoram range in Pakistan. Considered to be the most challenging rock climbing in the world, at the height of 6,286 m (20,608 ft.) they could possibly be the world’s greatest vertical drop.

Trango was first conquered in 1977, by a route that took climbers up the west face which is a combination of rock faces and ice ramps. The east face, the vertical side, was first conquered in 1984, not that long ago, the climbers never made it down alive. It was in 1992 when a climber not only made it to the top but also made it back down the east face of Trango Tower.

Have a look at this amazing tower.

1. The Trango and other nameless towers


2. Trango Towers at sunrise

Trango at Sunrise

3.  View of Trango Towers from Karakoram Range


4. Camping on Trango Towers

Camping on trango towers cliff

5. On Baltoro Glacier with Great Trango Tower

20 Lake On Baltoro Glacier With Great Trango Tower And Trango Castle Behind

6. Free climbing Trango

Free Climbing Trango 640

7. Base Jumping from Trango Tower

base-jumping_Trango Tower

8. The ultimate vertical climb – East face of Trango Tower

East Face - The Ultimate Vertical Climb

9. Night On Trango Towers

Night at Trango Towers

10. Sleeping in a portaledge on Trango Towers

sleeping on trango tower

11. Swinging in for the night

Swining in for the night 640

12. Climbing Trango Towers

The life of a climber on Trango


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