12 Times Pakistanis Proved To Be Extremely Ingenious

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Pakistanis are brave souls. From bizarre stunts, heroic efforts to resourceful solutions, these Pakistanis could not help but help out others and made a big impression! Have a look!

1. When this man heroically carried his sick donkey.

1. When this man heroically carried his sick donkey.

2. When these guys bike-wheeled to impress the girls around. We will never know if that worked.

2. When these guys bike-wheeled to impress the girls around. We will never know if that worked.

3. When this amazing boy decided to give all of his friends a ride to school.

3. When this amazing boy decided to give all friends a ride to school.

4. When there’s will, there’s a way. Fly me to the moon – PIA edition.

4. When there's will, there's a way. Fly me to the moon - PIA edition.

5. When some engineers cleverly designed this bike.

5. When some engineers ingeniously designed this bike.

6. When this man gave friendly advice. Bananas are your best friends.

6. When this man gave a very friendly advice. Bananas are your best friends. 

7. When this donkey took matters in its own hands.

7. When this donkey took matter in its own hands.

8. Late for the meeting? No problem. Hop in! Friendly citizens will help you out!

8. Late for the meeting? No problem. Hop in! Friendly citizens will help you out!

9. When this policeman wanted to maintain high-security levels.

9. When this policeman wanted to maintain high security levels. 

10. Yet another policeman vetting this suspicious-looking donkey.

10. Yet another policeman vetting this suspicious-looking donkey.

11. True friends will never make you feel left out.

11. True friends will never make you feel left out. 

12. This law-abiding citizen who follows every rule no matter what.

12. This law-abiding citizen who follows every rules no matter what. 

Have you ever done anything like this?

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