15 Hilarious Moments On The Streets Of Pakistan

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Think you’ve seen it, we highly doubt it. The streets of Pakistan are always full of interesting sights and sounds that will put a smile on your face.

The creativity minds of Pakistani’s are always at work, trying to take something simple and make it better and believe me, on more than one occasion they have.

Here are just a few more moments on the streets of Pakistan that can turn anyone’s day around.



1. Newest airline – Air Donkey

donkey air

2. I guess his friend needed his ride 

his friend needed his ride

3. The donkey parking lot was all full – Honda needed a place to wait 

no room in the donkey parking 

4. He likes making eye contact when he’s having a conversation 

he likes making eye contact when he's talking 

5. Working while he sits in traffic

working while in traffic

6. The cow wanted to drive this time

the cow wanted to drive this time 

7. Train car that is bound by tracks  It’s got its own wheels

a train that isn't bound by its tracks

8. Bhai, Full kar do tank ko 

tank full kar do 

9. He doesn’t trust leaving his ride in the parking lot

doesn't trust leaving his ride in the parking lot 

10. Give way to the new Lear jet of PIA – headed to the runway

the newest lear jet of PIA

11. Police – the picture says it all


12. I wonder what makes the wheels go round and round…

how does it go round and round 

13. Registered donkey

registered donkey

14. People walk their dogs don’t they – He is walking his donkey, making sure he stays healthy and fit 

walking his donkey

15. Obeying the laws of the road  so cute

obeying the rules of the road

No doubting it, Pakistan’s are creativity. These are just a few of those hilarious creative things we see on the streets of Pakistan.

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