2011 Resolutions: Watching Movies, Film Blogging and Social Media Film Promotion

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Hello and a Happy New Year to all of you! Hope 2011 will bring you more great movies than ever!

I thought about starting 2011 with a post about - what a surprise - New Year's resolutions. My first one would be " Watch more movies". I unfortunately haven't seen as many films as I wanted in 2010, even though I had planned to watch several ones. As an example, I still haven't seen the last Harry Potter... I guess I will watch it just before the release of the second part!

My second resolution would be, after watching a movie, write about it. Learn more about the director, how it was shot, etc. In my job, I'm starting paying more attention to filmmaking's techniques and how to evaluate movies. It will be a good complement to learn and talk more about those aspects.

Moving on to the internet field, I am also planning to read more about social media film promotion and how filmmakers can use those methods to make their projects known to their audience. 2010 was Facebook and Twitter's year! Let's see whats 2011 will look like...

A good mix of these resolutions will bring you - I hope - good content for my future posts!

Until then, work on your resolutions, tell me about them, and... watch movies!

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