3 Food that Make You Satiety Longer

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Want to reduce obesity and reach your ideal weight? You do not need to diet too hard to avoid snacks, or just eat vegetables and some rice.

The essence of the diet is to maintain a diet, so as not to excess or lack of nutrients. What if you are hard pressed desire to eat? Try consumption following 5 types of food.

Quoted from Health, five of these foods can make you feel full longer, so you'll eat less.

1. Dark Chocolate


In 100 grams of dark chocolate, contains only 170 calories. According to research from the University of Copenhagen, eating dark chocolate before eating can make us eat smaller portions of food.

Why? Compounds in dark chocolate slows down the digestive process and make you full longer. A small piece of chocolate (about the size of a business card) can also resist the desire to eat salty foods, sugary and fatty foods.

2. Pine Nut



With only 95 calories per 1/2 ounce (about 84 peanuts), pine nuts are not only good for the diet but also makes you full faster.

Pine nuts contain fatty acids other than good for the heart also increases the hormone that makes you feel very satisfied. If the desire to snack arises, this nut consumption immediately.

3. Skim Milk

One cup of skim milk has only 86 calories. Milk protein (whey and casein) can be filling the stomach than sugary drinks. The content of CLA in milk also helps fight obesity.

About the author


My name's Hadriyan Sofyan. I was born in Mataram at October 15th 1993. I was born from a simple family. I live in Dasan Sari. Now i'm Studying in Universitas Muhamadiyah Mataram. I have lot friends in my place. Sometimes they are a little bit crazy, hahaha. Crazy in the…

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