5 Signs You’re Doing What God Wants You to Do

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5 Signs You’re Doing What God Wants You to Do

5 Signs You’re Doing What God Wants You to Do


How can you know if you are where God wants you to be, doing what He wants you to do?

You are stretched: If you are really comfortable in your position or responsibility, chances are, you need a change. If you can do your job with your eyes closed, change jobs. God wants you to grow and the only way to do that is to be challenged. If your duties require that you expand your abilities, congrats – you are right in your sweet spot.

You are fulfilled: If you find a sense of satisfaction simply from doing what is expected of you, that is a good sign. Completion, peace of mind, and contentment can’t be manufactured. Additionally, these emotions are very rare. If you are enjoying them, kudos to you for finding your groove.

You are succeeding: One of the best ways for God to get the attention of one of His people is to allow them to fail. Failure is a great motivator. God wants you to succeed. I know this is a generalization and it is way over-used in some television preacher circles, but it is true nonetheless. If you are enjoying a season of success, it is probably a “thumbs up” from God.


About the author


Vicky Jimenez, 40, Philippines

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