5 Tips on Getting a Good Sleep

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      Our body needs at least eight hours of sleep at night to keep it healthy. But how does sleep keep our body healthy? Sleep gives the brain time to produce things needed for memory work. It also gives us the chance to remove wastes that are collected during the day. Missing out one night's sleep can affect the work of our brain. We experience forgetfulness and difficulty in concentrating. Studies and researches being made had proven this.

      Some studies also tell us that sleep helps us recover from illness faster. These are but a few of the things sleep can do to keep our bodies healthy and strong.

      So, what do you do to make sure you get a good night's sleep?

      Here are some suggestions:

1. Do not go to bed hungry or too full. The digestive system organ will still be working hard. This will keep you awake. Remember everything should be in moderation especially during at night.

2. Avoid foods and drinks that will keep you awake. Do not take chocolate, cola drinks and coffee before going to bed.

3. Make sure that your bedroom is comfortable, clean and well ventilated. Fresh air is advisable so open your windows unless your place is polluted.

4. Avoid watching an exciting TV program. A thriller movie before bedtime can keep you awake all night.

5. Drink a glass of hot milk before going to bed. This will help you relax and fall asleep easily.

      Live a healthy life.

Reference: Into the Future: Science and Health

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a simple person

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